Rite 13
Rite 13 classes, for youth between 11 and 13 years old will meet in the old nursery room. Parents with children interested in the Rite 13 classes should contact Fr. Cliff or Jill Bramlet.
Diocesan Convention
The Diocesan Convention will be held in Rawlins, September 30-October 3, 1999.
Prayer Chain
To add a prayer or concern to the All Saints Prayer Chain, please contact Bonnie Portwood. Don't forget the Daughter's of the King Prayer Chain as well. A can is provided in the narthex of the church for supplicants to put their requests in. Requests for prayers can be annonymous.
Sunday School
All Saints Sunday School is at 9:45 AM, every Sunday in the Parish Hall. We welcome any children who have not yet started and guests to join us.
Our Saviour's Sunday School will follow Church on Sundays from 8:45-9:30 AM.