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Flylo Farms Oberhasli Dairy Goats

"quietly breeding quality"


New Stuff!! Pages of Oberhasli Sales Lists, many with photographs. This is the pedigree information of the sires and dams we bred for Spring 1999 kids.

Stats ~ N ~ Facts (page one, American Oberhasli and Purebred buck pedigrees)

Stats ~ N ~ Facts (Page two, Exceptional Experimentals)

Goat Beauty Parlor: Clipping before a show

Boys in the Back Room Look in on Otoe and Medicine Bow who are pictured in this article.

Artificial Insemination

Those Pesky Ligaments (what to watch for with does due to kid). NEWS FLASH! The Goat Magazine (see web info below) will be featuring this article in an upcoming issue!

Toxoplasmosis (cats in the barnyard)

Oberhasli Goats (History of the Oberhasli in the United States)

Alien Oberhasli!!

Goat Keeping in New Zealand (Alarms & Excursions at Willowbrook)

Some other useful goat related sites -

Stop and visit with Ann Engel at Gretchenhof for even more lovely Oberhasli goats.



Caprine Supply The goat owners wishbook! This is an online catalog ordering page only. Unfortunately, this company has not yet put merchandise online. But, the catalog is full of useful things like temperatures for pasteurizing milk, how to tattoo kids, etc. Well worth the wait for a free copy via snail mail.

Homesteader's Connection magazine Pat Lenzo, editor, now owns a few Flylo galz, and I'm sure they'll be presented in her site from time to time. Please note: The side bar on the site's "News Flash" is graphic account of what happens when dogs run loose.

The Jess Family Farmstead: Visit Karissa and her family for the Holiday Season. Lots of good links here. And, she also has one of my 'Flylo Gals' in residence. Ask her about Ladybug!

Suzie B. and jOE B. cOOL Suzie is listowner of GoatsPlus e-mail list, jOE is Porch Goat, and 'mascot' to the list.

Suzie has put up a wonderful series of the 'Textbook Birthin' Page. Go to SUGAR COOKIE for two pages of photographs on the art of goat midwifery. (Goat Husbandry isn't always fun without a little Midwifery too!)



Goats Galore, a nifty online goat catalog with great goat-related gift ideas.

The GOAT Magazine Visit the front door and find out how to subscribe to a bi-monthly publication dedicated solely to goats.

CapriHerb Dairy Goats, many articles about The American Dairy Goat Association, Jennifer Smith, Director ADGA District 3, Capriherb owner.

And, a great online goat list group, monitored by Suzie and jOE, to look in or join in go to: GoatsPlus.

"Duh Goat Man" (A good site for viewing breeds, informative pages for those considering getting goats.)


I'm not so sure how goats and a winery go together, but Linda and Larry Martz (Goatessa & His Grapeness) seem to have combined them perfectly. (I know, I know, the goats make a perfect combination with any business, especially one that involves yummy growing plants), but go ahead, take a virtual wine crawl in Martz Winery. Be careful, don't run over the Black Lump!