Cub Scout  Pack 68

Blue & Gold Banquet!

February 2000 Pack Meeting:  Our pack's Blue & Gold banquet and Arrow of  Light crossover will be held on 18 Feb, 2000.    Thanks Web. 1 Den Leader Gilbert Harville for all your hard work organizing the location and opening ceremony!   

Pinewood Derby 2000!

January 2000 Pack Meeting:  We have a new Derby track!  It's a beauty made of Baltic Birch with Walnut track rails and hand rubbed Tung Oil.  Kudos to all the hard work, time, energy and donations.  Check out the Pictures!!!

The Derby went great after a rough start.  The kids had a lot of fun.  Next Year, we hope to change the layout enough to allow the cubs more participation through their Dens' Races.  The Judges from our Charter Organization, Midway Optimist Club, really had a chore judging the cars.  They were Great!  Our Trophies where created by:   


Christmas Caroling!
December 1999 Pack Meeting:  Our pack descended upon the local Candlelight Retirement home.  We overwhelmed them by showing up with nearly the entire pack and families!  There was three times the number of carolers as elderly audience.   After singing our short list of songs, we broke off by Dens to decorate the hallways!  Thanks to Webelos 1 Asst. Den Leader Daryl Lewis for leading the pack through the songs--my own voice is best left un-heard! :) 

Story teller and Skating Party!
October and November 1999 Pack Meetings:  We Enjoyed Ghost stories for our October meeting along with a uniform inspection!  For November, we held our annual Pack 68 Skating Party at the Empire Roller Rink!   Lots of fun!

The Flannel Board!
Bulletin Board:  We have a rustic Flannel board complete with genuine pipe hitches and square hitches!  This will be at all 'normal' Pack Meetings.  It provides a place for cubs, parents and leaders to get up to date information on Den/Pack/District events; the theme of the month, that month's Pack Pride ribbon and any other announcement we can post!

Looking Good!
Uniforms:  Pack 68 strongly encourages good looking scouts. A Pack Pride Ribbon is given to each Den if everyone in the Den comes to the Pack meeting in uniform. Uniform for our pack is a tucked in Scout shirt, neckerchief with slide, and blue jeans. The ribbons are hung from the top of the den flags!

Door Prizes!
WaaaHooo! With "Pack Money" earned from our leaders attending Round Tables, we were able to purchase a lot of special gifts ranging from camping flashlights to Art kits.  Along with donated gifts, we will be able to hold a drawing for a door prize at each pack meeting!   At our "Hey, Look Us Over" September, 1999 pack meeting, we gave away a stuffed Garfield which was donated by our District, the Great Rivers Council! 

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flannel.html    ©1999-2000,  (Revised: 27 January, 2000 ) dkw