Below are 1990 pictures of the farm that I have scanned. As you can see, buildings and grounds were in a mess.
This was the front of the farmhouse. I found out later that year the wasps liked those bushes!! Ernie and I pulled all the bushes that summer.
I always enjoyed sitting on this porch and absorbing the view.
Behind the farmhouse was the shop to the left and the wood shed to the right. Both of these buildings also had severe roof leaking and were too far gone. I found some antique tools up in the rafters of the shop as we cleaned out all the junk. When we pulled the shop down, we found what was left of an old gas plant in the shop cellar. At one time the farmhouse had gas lights!!
Across from the farmhouse is the garage. It is now my workshop.
The crib looked poorly before I ripped out the fence by it and repainted in 1992.
Left of the crib was a chicken house and hogshed. I filled it up with old lumber and set it on fire during the hot summer of 1990. The fire was huge and it was gone in about 30 minutes.
This was the barn before it got several coats of paint in 1992 and 1993.
This is the backside of the barn in October 1992. My neighbor Jeff Ring and I rebuilt the lower half and buttoned it up for that winter. In the spring of 1993, I rented a bucket truck and we re-sided the upper half of the barn.
To the right of the barn was the old chicken house. Grandpa also used it as a hog shed. I tore it down in the summer of 1990 before it fell down!
Behind the chicken house was the tool shed where Grandpa's Farmall H, a 2 row corn planter and an old AC pull combine were shedded. Although the building looks decent in this picture, it was also falling down. I tore it down in 1995. That is a bunch of poison ivy in front of the building!!