the following pictures are of a 1971 JD 4400 gas combine I looked at on 10/31/99 in Indianapolis, Indiana of all places!

The combine is in a lot full of burrs. It last was running beans in the harvest of 1993. The fields were developed after that fall so the gent retired from farming. The combine still functioned properly. It has a 13 foot grain table. Right now it looks awful.

The tires have good tread and are still holding air. He said the tach worked and the 1,500 hours on the engine is correct. He farmed 300 acres a year until development slowly locked him out. He was putting on about 125 hours a year then it dwindled towards the last 5 years. So 1,500 hours makes sense.

Grain tank is rusty but no holes. The grain augur is badly weathered and probably the end bearing is frozen is my guess.

I spent 2 hours cutting down cockleburrs and vines. As you can see the tires are in pretty good shape.

Next project is to clean out the weeds from the grain table. This is not a 213 as I originally thought. It is an older JD model.

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