Bridging Ceremony |
Pages for
new Leaders
The original copy and many other ceremonies that can be downloaded are found at Make sure you scroll down to the ceremonies part. This leader really has some great pages. Check them all out. Here is my version. Brownies form a circle on one side of bridge and the juniors form a horseshoe on the other. The Leader says: “Now it’s time to say good-bye; break the ring and out you fly.” Ring breaks to let girls and Leader out. She takes them to the bridge, repeats the following poem and gives them their Brownie Wings: (Girl's
you are just about
become a Junior Scout
the troop you soon will find Junior scouts are true and kindSo
now I give you Brownie Wings That you may fly to bigger things
After we had their bridging we went inside for their awards. I had cut a bunch of flowers with a die cutter and then placed their patch and their name on each flower. At the ceremony I called each girl up one at time and handed them their flower for the patch they earned. By the time they were done they had a bouquet of flowers (& and patches).
Click on the cake to see how to make this cake for your bridging ceremony: |