Here is some information on the United States to help troops with Thinking Day.
The population is 271,990,740
Our Country:
Our country is divided into 50 States and each state has it's own capital city.
Here is our flag:
The Flag:
Our flag has 50 stars on it to represent each state. We are the third largest populated country in the world and fourth in land size.
The Capital:
The Capital is in Washington D.C. and it is called the White House. Our President is Bill Clinton.
Our Agriculture:
meat, cheese, corn, soybeans, and tobacco,cattle, hogs, cow's milk, butter, cotton, oats, wheat, barley and sugar.
Our major exports:
are motor vehicles, food, iron and steel-mill products, chemicals.
The National Anthem:
The Star Spangle Banner is the national anthem and is sung before all sporting events, on Fourth of July (our indepedence day). For the words to the Star Spangle Banner click here.
We also say the Pledge of Alegence before school and for Flag ceremony.
Recipes for American Cooking:
Games that kids like to play are
For complete information on the United States is here.
Click here for an awesome page that has pictures of United States, Our uniforms, promise, Law...Look up any country there is in WAGGGS.