New Leaders Page

I hope this page will help you get your year started. This is the kind of information I was looking for when I first got started. There is so many things to do. So here's a start:

Before we had our first meeting I printed out some 'Beg Letters' to mail out to local merchants asking for donations of craft supplies; cups from McDonalds, Burger King or wherever. This is an example of my letter:

Dear Office Manager

I have recently became a Brownie Girl Scout Leader for 1st grade girls at ----- Elementary.. We have nine girls inn our troop. We have formed a new troop this year for these girls. The reason I am writing to you is: I would like to know if the store could donate a few things to get our troop started with the supplies we need. These items will stay with our troop through their Girl Scouting years. We would appreciate it if you would consider donating some supplies such as: paint, felt, beads, Popsicles sticks, pins, and other types of craft supplies that we may need. Or, we would even value a discount on our supplies that we buy with our troop funds. Any type of help you could give us would be deeply appreciated.

Thank you for taking the time to consider this generous donation to our Brownie Troop. It is greatly appreciated.

Sincerely yours,

Troop # ---- Elementary

The words can be changed to ask for First Aid Kits from Hospitals; Cups, napkins, straws from fast food restaurants, etc..

Here is an example of my Thank You notes to send out:

I used Creata Card Program and printed them out as a quarter fold card.

Click on picture to go to a page to print the whole card.

I let all the girls sign it then mail them right away.


Before our first meeting I made coloring books for the girls to color in as a start-up activity. They love to color at this age. I made the coloring books to go with the Girl Scout Law. On each page is a saying from the Law and a picture to match. If you would like this click here to download it and print it out. There is 11 pages total. You will need to unzip it once you have downloaded it. It is not a program, but 11 pages of Bitmaps that run in a Paint program. I set the books and crayon out and they color until all have arrived.

Our first meetings


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