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Our Earth Angels

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From personal experience I believe I have a guardian angel but are there only "heavenly" angels among us?  There are many people that dedicate their lives to helping others. Some through their careers, others in their personal and family lives. When I think of  these earth angels I automatically think of the children. Well, I can already hear some mothers (and fathers) say "well, my child wasn't an angel today". Ok, maybe not today but they usually are, right?. :)   The expression "You're an angel" shows that the little things done by people do matter and often go unrecognized.  This page is dedicated to all those loving angels among us, our earth angels.

Two Angels

Dedicated to my Mother

          "We are, each of us, angels with one wing and we can only fly
by embracing one another"
--Lucian de Crescenzo--

Beautiful Angel

Dedicated to my husband for being an angel

Someday I'll Know
by: Cora Eelman
They come and go, more quickly than
I'd really like, you know.
Sometimes I know their names,
But mostly, when I'd least expect,
they go.
Sometimes they hug me tight,
silent, but so loving as I cry,
and I go on again,
strengthened when I thought
I'd only die.
Sometimes they rush into my life,
bumping me, pushing,
and I see another way.
It's only when they're gone,
And the light from their fair lantern
lingers on,
I wonder, where I would have been
this day?
Are these chance meetings -- fate --
or can it be
These are the angels God as promised me?
Are these friends -- or angels -- is it so?
Maybe not today,
Someday I'll know!

Angel Heart

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Baby in the Moon

Missing Angels

Dear Lord, Please send extra guardian angels out to look after these children, they are in our hearts and prayers,

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This lovely gift is from Ali who has been on a quest to find her son. He has been missing
for 5 years now. 

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You're a real angel
by Emily Matthews

If an Angel is someone who's so filled with love
It's a gift that they constantly share
If an Angel is someone who looks out for others
And gives them a nudge here or there
If an Angel is someone who touches your life
With a heart that's both joyful and wise
Then even though you don't have a halo or wings
You're an Angel in human disguise.

The following graphic is copyrighted by Rex Sutton

Angels sharing

Dedicated to my sister for doing the work of an angel

       "But if these beings guard you, they do so because they have been summoned
by your prayers."
Saint Ambrose

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"In large matters and small, angels help to smooth our paths for us.
They enrich our lives with joy, peace and love."
Robert C. Smith

Sleeping Angel

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Angels are the guardians of hope and
wonder, the keepers of magic and dreams.
Wherever there is love, an angel is flying by.
Your guardian angel knows you inside and out
and loves you just the way you are. Angels
keep it simple and always travel light.
Remember to leave space in your relationships
so the angels have room to play.  Your
guardian angel helps you find a place when
you feel there is no place to go.  Whenever
you feel lonely, a special angel drops in for
tea.  Angels are with you every step of the
way and helps you soar with amazing grace.
After all, we are angels in training; all we
have to do is spread our wings and fly.

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My sweet friend, Judyful, sent me this flower. Thanks and huggles to you, Judyful. :o)
Without knowing what was on the pot I placed it on this page.....and it was PERFECT!

Home Sweet Home
Travel my main pages

Labor of Love

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Adopt an Angelheart

Background by
Marvelicious Backgrounds
One of my graphics was made by a Mouse
Last updated on 18 Aug 1999