What About Bill Gothard and the Local Church?

By Pastor Steven Youngblood

Are the teachings and influence of Bill Gothard upon his followers detrimental to the local church, or do they support and bolster its ministries? And, we might well ask, are the teachings and influence of Gothard detrimental to the ATI disciple, or do they lead him/her to spiritual maturity? As most parachurch ministries claim, Gothard's organization purportedly exists to assist the local church, not to undermine it. However, as the pastor of a small local church for the past thirteen years, it has been my experience that Gothard's ministry functions as a "suprachurch" (above the church) ministry rather than a parachurch (alongside of) ministry.

What do I mean by that? Those who are thoroughly committed to Bill Gothard's teachings via the seminars and homeschooling materials entrench themselves in a lifestyle that impacts every avenue of their lives, and that includes their assessment of the local church and its leadership. Just as a premillennialist or a postmillennialist will interpret eschatological passages from their respective viewpoints, based largely upon their studies from books that endorse their own mindset, so ATIers view the teachings, philosophies, and practices of their local church by the indoctrinations that they have encountered in various seminars and booklets that Gothard's organization provides for its membership.

And make no mistake about it, the ATI adherent will bring all of his seminar "baggage" with him to the local church he is a member of. Yea, because of his implicit trust in the seeming wisdom of Gothard's teachings on both family and church life, he will filter and scrutinize the activities and leadership of the pastor on the basis of everything that he has previously learned from Gothard. If the pastor happens to teach anything that remotely contradicts something taught by Gothard or his materials, guess who gets questioned about his teachings? Not Gothard, but the pastor! It is assumed a priori that the pastor is not as learned or as spiritual as Gothard, and thus any teaching by the pastor that contradicts ATI teachings becomes suspect. The reason for this is that the ATI devotee believes that Gothard's teachings are superior to that of the local pastor. In his eyes, the local pastor's differing teachings become suspect since Gothard has a national audience, and therefore Gothard cannot be wrong. Does not the blessing of God rest upon Gothard's organization? How can the pastor of a small local church compare with such an icon? He can't! At least, not in the eyes of the ATIer.

What is the eventual result in the life of an ATIer who compares the beliefs and practices of the pastor and local church with those he has encountered through ATI materials and teachings? The ATIer himself begins to think that he knows better than the pastor how the ministry ought to function in the local setting, and becomes more and more dissatisfied with the pastor AND anyone else in the membership that fails to implement ATI teachings (such as placing their children in a public school rather than homeschooling). If the pastor and local church go in a different direction than what has been taught by Gothard as the right way, then the disgruntled Gothard disciple eventually begins to look for greener pastures.

So what are the "fruits" evidenced in the lives of ATI disciples in their relationships to others in a local body of believers? The following have been observed by this pastor over the course of almost a decade:

This pastor's assessment (and many other pastors across this nation would undoubtedly concur) is that Gothard's organization does not promote the health of the local church, but undermines it by causing the ATIers to look outside of the local church to another authority figure (Bill Gothard) to learn what their beliefs and practices ought to be. This truth is easily discovered by simply listening to the Gothard devotees' conversations. They repetitiously state: "Mr. Gothard says..." or "Mr. Gothard teaches..." or "Mr. Gothard believes..." How tragic! Would to God that every Gothard disciple would learn the truth that the Word of God is "the true center of Christian union (not ATI with all of its seminars, workshops, programs, and teachings), and the supreme standard by which all human conduct, creeds, and opinions should be tried." (Quoted from the New Hampshire Confession of Faith)
