The Great Commission places a heavy responsibility upon local churches to support missions with both prayer and finances, and to cheerfully send their brethren to other countries for evangelism and church planting when God calls certain ones to such a ministry. The early church was conscious of their responsibility to proclaim the gospel message to the nations. Unevangelised regions were targeted by the leaders of that day to hear the wonderful news of redemption through Jesus Christ. A heart for missions, both home and foreign, should be cultivated among the people of God in each local church through the vision of the elders and deacons.
We are seeking to support missionaries who hold to the same beliefs and practices that our church adheres to, especially as summarized in The London Baptist Confession of Faith of 1689, and who utilize the Textus Receptus as their final authority in the translations of their various fields of labor. We are currently supporting two missionary families and one Bible ministry. We hope to take on several more in the near future.
Brad and Bonni serve as missionaries in Bulacan, Philippines, where they are involved in church planting, discipleship, preaching, and teaching. Their ministry also includes a Christian school for children and a Bible institute for pastors.
The Russian Bible Society has been providing the Scriptures for the Russian-speaking people since 1944. It is the oldest established mission to the part of the world now called the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS). The RBS is committed to giving the pure Word of God to various language groups in the CIS, thus their translations are based on reliable manuscripts such as the Received Text. Their goal is to provide the New Testament for all the non-Slavic languages which have one million or more speakers, and do not yet have a New Testament. There are nineteen groups of this size in the CIS.
Frank and Evelyn Maxson serve as missionaries in the country of Malawi, Africa, along with their nine children. Their goals are to teach elders from existing local churches with little Bible knowledge; establish a Baptist church in the Shire valley; and to print and distribute good, sound biblical literature throughout Malawi and Africa in conjunction with the Mt. Zion Bible Church located in Pensacola, Florida.
Stevan and Christine Henning serve as missionaries in the country of Costa Rica, along with their five children. Besides serving as a pastor of a Baptist church in San Francisco de Dos Rios, Stevan also teaches in a seminary setting. Their goals are to rightly divide the Word of God in their local setting, train godly men for positions of spiritual leadership, and evangelize their local community.