The importance of godly leadership in a local church is revealed by the necessary requirements of character that are demanded of elders and deacons in 1 Timothy 3:1-13 and Titus 1:5-9. Assuming a position of leadership in the church is not a lighthearted matter, for James 3:1 states, "My brethren, be not many masters, knowing that we shall receive the greater condemnation." A body of believers can be destroyed by inept leadership that is spearheaded by men who are spiritual babes, proud, covetous, self-willed, disobedient, and/or careless. Every church should seek among its membership for men who are noted for godly character, integrity, humility, and sound doctrine. A church will normally be a reflection of the leadership it follows. Thus, much prayer and wisdom is needed in the selection of the leadership of a local church.
The following men are currently serving in positions of leadership in our church:
Bro. Steve has been the pastor of our church for over seventeen years, having been called by the congregation to serve in this capacity in November 1991. The name of the church was Fisherman Baptist until being changed to Sovereign Grace Baptist about thirteen years ago. Bro. Steve is 51 years of age, and has been married to his wife, Paula, for twenty-five years. They have three children: Seth, James, and Sarah.
Bro. Tim is employed by AAA Cooper, and has been a member of our church for nine years, and serves as a deacon. Bro. Tim is 40 years of age, and has been married to his wife, Cheryl, for 20 years. They have eight children: Lakin, Savannah, Kaitlyn, Jacob, Daniel, Luke, Caleb and Landon.