Welcome to my Guestbook!

an old regular named Sara - 12/08/00 23:00:50
My Email:maevesg@hotmail.com
How did you find us: Bernadette sended me a lettre in 1998

Hi, I just jumped in the new cafe (curiousity!). I'll come and say hi in the X-mas weekend when I'll have more time.I saw my birthday isn't there.So,it's the 9th of april 1980.I hope you're doing well,all of you! Hope to "see" you soon!

Ram - 05/13/00 20:38:21
My Email:gethyn.lewis@virgin.net
How did you find us: Celticcafe

Hi M&C, How are you?. This site is a legend in its own underpants. Talk to you soon Geth

alinda - 05/13/00 20:37:46
My Email:alinda18@yahoo.com
How did you find us: been told

i think this is a great site

Baileys - 05/07/00 19:34:21
My Email:christine.v@gmx.de
How did you find us: oh, that was not to hard!!

Nice, nice, nice!! What will Bruce say to that? Does he already know??

M&C - 04/27/00 21:58:08
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/lord_ofthedance/
My Email:boltons@mweb.co.za
How did you find us: On the page!

Have to try it out - to see that it works!!

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