Nicholas goes outside during the day but waits for us
faithfully every day when we come home
from work. He likes to sleep in his basket in front
of the woodstove or on our bed. He only
drinks water when it is running from the faucet (...)
and loves to chase little bounce treats
all over the place. We think he believes to be a dog
since he behaves like one ... except for the
retrieving ...
Joey is an inside cat for now. We will probably let
him go outside with his bigh uncle Nicholas
in the spring but right now he is content being inside.
He eats everything that comes in sight,
loves to play with and in the water and just can't
stop jumping over, around and on Nicholas
when he comes in. He is not a lap cat but likes to
sit next to you. In the morning he will come
and lick you face (ears, nose, eyes, lips ... whatever
isn't covered by a blanket) to get you out
of bed. That is REALLY annoying. He adores Nicholas
and follows him everywhere. We believe
he is a Maine Coon Cat since he shows all the breed
traits (especially a HUGE tail!) and is really
the goofiest cat I have ever seen. |