Staffordshire Bull Terror!


Wellington was our first Staffordshire Bull Terrier - here is a little bit about him...


Wellington aka: Enfield Chocolate Brindle

Wellington is a playful dog, born January 1997. He has a good lineage but is well above show size and weight.  He stands 17.5" at the shoulders and  weighs just over 60lbs. His favorite activities are  playing tug and going for walks. He is good with other dogs and sees everyone as a potential playmate. 


Wellington wants it to be  known that the ground was cold and muddy!
It may be good for human skin - but not dogs of quality (read - stuck-up)!!!

 nap time with Jack
Wellington, true to his breed, is great with children. There is nothing he adores more than to be part of their games, happy to collapse with them at the end of the fun. This picture is of Wellington aged about 10 months with our youngest Jack.

Just 7 weeks - and oh so cute

This is Wellingtons first picture. It was this cuteness we first fell for. When we viewed him we saw his grandmother, mother and father.  His good looks  and colour come from his mother and his size/build and good nature come from his father.  He is a very nicely balanced dog.

Lets play, mum

A Stafford enjoys playing at all times of the day and night - the more the better!  This is a dog that never quite grows up.  Truly a  Peter Pan of the canine world.


You can fuss me if you like.

There is nothing like relaxing with mum on the sofa.
Apart from giving lots of love, Staffords just love to be with their family.


Who you lookin' at fishface?


We feel that we have the perfect domestic pet and companion in Wellington. His temperament is unrivaled (even for his breed) and he is a credit to his bloodline and to our family.

(The only problem we, like so many other Stafford owners face is, can we resist getting another!)



(registered UK charity no: 1058627)

We support Staffordshire Bull Terrier Welfare.

If you would like any further information on this worthy cause please e-mail us

 Or go to:  StaffordshireWelfare



and the whole world smiles with you!


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ME and me! What is ME ME: a primer
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