Birdroom Report June 2001
This year I have rebuild my birdroom. The birdroom is about 4,5 m (long) x 2,2 m (high) x 2,5 m (deep). There is a walk-in-flight of about 2,5 m (long) x 2,2 m (high) x 1,2 m (deep) to keep the hens indoors during the winter and to keep youngsters in it during the breeding period. I have 6 breeding cages, 120 cm x 40 cm x 40 cm each (pic 1). Each cage is dividable, but I don't use them. This year I breed with four pairs of Fife Fancy and two pairs of Raza Espanola.
The walk-in-flight has a double feeder (pic 2) at the wall and a one liter water fontain hanging on the ceiling (pic 3). The walls are painted with a green colour, the ceiling with a blue colour and the bottom is filled with brownish river sand. I use different types of perches. First: "Social perches" from a tree we call "Flieder" (Syringa vulgaris). Second: "Private Perches" made of plastic. I believe that this colouration and the commbination of social and private perches has a good influence on the "mental" behaviour of the birds. It's a kind of colour therapy for birds ;-)
I use normal recording cards (pic 4) to get an overview over the particular pairs and their chicks.
Pictures 5 to 10
shows this year youngsters of Fife Fancy. The six days old chicks at pic 5 are
all black white. The yellow coloured Fife at pic 6 is about 25 days old, but it
has the well rounded body of a real champ
And last, but not least: my quails. These pictures are shot at the outdoor aviary. I keep a trio of Bobwhites and a pair of Harlequin Quails together in my outdoor aviary of about 4,5 m x 2,5 m x 2,0 m. In one corner, the Harlequin hen has a clutch of six eggs. After 18 day four chicks were hatched. The picture of the chicks was shot about one hour after they hatched. Cuuuuute!!!!!