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This page was made to offer Dr. Hans Classen the chance to show some of his excellent photographs of Carduelians.

All pictures were shot by Hans. He has a well proved method to make photos of birds. You will find a sketch of his method too. Please click on the thumbnails to enlarge the images. Use the back button of your browser to return to this page.

Okay fanciers, enjoy these wonderful pictures of real gems of the bird world!

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1,1 (Common Canary) Serinus canaria (L., 1758)
Left: female
Right: male

Please click on the thumbnail to enlarge the image! Please click on the thumbnail to enlarge the image! Please click on the thumbnail to enlarge the image! Please click on the thumbnail to enlarge the image!

Skins of Serinus canaria (L. , 1758), all females

As Hans mentioned on the Canary List and the Allcanarybreeders List, there is a sexual dimorphism in wild canaries. Please pay attention on the buff feathering of the females. The tips of the feathers are not coloured, especially on the neck.

Please click on the thumbnail to enlarge the image!

1,0 (Cape Canary) Serinus canicollis (Swainson, 1838)

The Cape Canary is a close relative to the wild canary. The bird lives in the east and south of Africa and prefers a subtropical or tropical climate with some trees and bushes. Cape Canaries should be fed with a basic seed mix similar to the wild canary. It is possible to breed them in large cages. In German it is called "Graunackengirlitz" means "Grey Neck Serin", I think it is clear why they are named that way.

Please click on the thumbnail to enlarge the image!

1,1 (Syrian Serin) Serinus syriacus (Bonaparte, 1850)
Left: female
Right: male

The Syrian Serin is also called "Syrian Canary". The bird lives in Syria and neighbouring countries.  Syrian canaries prefer  more dry and open landscapes with singly trees and bushes. Please pay attention on the sexual dimorphism.

Please click on the thumbnail to enlarge the image!

1,0 (Black-headed Canary) Alario alario (L., 1758)

The Black-headed Canary is also a bird with sexual dimorphism. The female hasn't that black-headed throat, she appears a little bit fader. They live in the south of Africa and prefer wide and open ranges with some dry bushes and grasslands. In captivity Black-headed Canary tends to get fat. So the fancier have to pay attention on the bird's diet. The best way to keep them in shape is to keep them in big flight cages or aviaries and to feed them with seed high on carbohydrates and low in fat. A good seed mix for African finches with added grass seeds and other small seeds should be fed. During the winter period they should be kept indoors. They also love young leafes of trees and some needles of coniferas. If not available, they should be fed with chicoree or brocolli. Soaked or sprouted seeds help to bring them in breeding condition. Black-headed Canaries are well breeders in captivity.

And finally, Ladies and Gentlemen......

Please click on the thumbnail to enlarge the image!

...Hans' method to shoot such beautiful photos!


Please Canarians, feel free to discuss these photos on the Canary List and / or the Allcanarybreeders List!



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