Our Home Pets

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Christmas Time 1996

The Only One In Oriente "Yoyo" a Shi-Tzu that came into our lives in 1995. She was bred by Roberto Capelli and is owned by us. When she arrived here she was a of 3 months small pretty puppy ! She was a present for Rosemma Aymaretti.  She's very dear to us. Shown only once at a very very small show with an entry of about 100 she won a Bog-2!! If you want to see her pedigree click here.

Peterhund Delilah "Lyla" was born in November 1996. She's a sweet and funny Bolognese (not pasta!). She arrived here in the New Year's first day. She loves food like Yoyo! She was bred by the Italian K.C. Menager Mr.Beppe Giani. Never shown until now at the big shows, she's a home pet. Anyway her litter sister is an Agility Champion. If you want to see her pedigree click here.