Kennel's owner
Cinzia Aymaretti's profileI was born with a destiny to love Afghan Hounds written in my genes, as my parents had been the first Afghan Hound breeders in Italy, getting their kennel prefix registered by It. K.C. (ENCI) and F.C.I. in the 50's.
I started my judging career in the 80's, when I was approved to judge Open Show. I got my International License in 1987 by ENCI., first for Afghan Hounds and Borzoi and after for Saluki, Whippet, Italian Greyhounds. I have got a license for judging all breeds in Open National shows and am waiting for ENCI International license to judge the other sighthound breeds of the group.
As a judge, I had assignments at Sighthound Club Specialty Shows in Italy and abroad all over Europe with a record of 140 at the Afghan Hound Club of Finland. I've also judged the NSW Easter Specialty '97 with an entry of about 180 dogs and Saluki, Borzoi, Whippet and Italian Greyhound Specialties in Australia.I've judged the most important shows in France (National d'Elevage,the most important specialty show for Afghan Hounds), Switzerland and Finland.
After the history of our breeding - here you are - a profile of myself. I breed Afghans since when I was a child. When I was a student I studied at the Turin Veterinary University for a stage of two years, and afterwards I got a Kennel Manager license state. I studied at the University of Modern Literature for a two years stage too.
I have been a co-operator ("independent" writer) for dogs' magazines and encyclopaedic works. I wrote articles and technical studies about dogs and sighthounds. I worked to the Afghan Hound Study and to the Borzoi Standard Study for our A.H. Club and for E.N.C.I. (It. K.C.) that are published in some encyclopaedias and some ENCI publications. I still co-operate with ENCI magazine and works.
I am the author of the first and only one book about Afghan Hounds ever published in Italy: "Il Levriero Afghano", ed. DeVecchi, 1992.
I have been the promoter and foundation member in 1977 of the Afghan Hound Club of Italy (AIALA). Since then I have been the Secretary, a member of the Board of Directory, and until 1989 Vice President/ Chairman. Since 1990 until 1998 I was honoured to be the President of AIALA.
As a breeder and as a judge I was impressed by some dogs like: Ch. Khandhu Mandella, Ch. Khandhu Laser Litefoot, Ch. Karakush True Blue, Ch. Karakush Irresistible U, Ch. Aviva Venezia, Ch. Gengala Sharper Image, Ch. Calahorra Boccaccio, Ch. Calahorra Aviator, Ch. Scaramis Da Capo, Ch. Neliapilan Superapila, Ch. El Kamas Wladimir, Ch. El Khyrias Drambuie, Ch. Boxadan Hey Ma Look At Me, Ch. Tuohi Tikan Kekale, Ch. Haboob von Katwiga, Ch. Wind Against Ace Of Base, Ch. Gazon Say What You Mean, Ch. Cartier Simply Irresistible, Ch. Pahalavi Puttin' On The Ritz, Ch. Triumph of Grandeur, Ch. Blue Shah of Grandeur, Ch. Casbar Sno-Blast, Ch. Casbar Sugar 'N Spice, Ch. Panjet Of Stormhill, Ch. Stormhill's Who's Zoomin' Who, Ch. Huilaco's Shaliman, Ch. Tarina Artic Eagle, Ch. Coastwind Gazebo, Ch. Akaba's Cinderfella, and many others
My Australians winners at the A.H. Club of NSW 66th Specialty. Dog Challenge & Best In Show
Ch. Khandhu Mandella & Bitch Challenge, Best Of Opposite Sex & Runner Up In Show Ch. Aviva Venezia, over about 180 entries.