In 1998 Sister Glenda Peyton was serving as Grand Adah for Sister Mittie Small, WGM and asked permission to begin an Arkansas Grand Chapter Website. Sister Mittie was excited about the prospect and gave hearty support.
Sister Glenda's dauther (Renee Perry) was teaching Multimedia and Web Design at Gentry High School in Gentry, Arkansas. Her class developed the website as a class project and won several awards for their efforts.
In 2000, Sister Nancy Lindsey, WGM gave full support to the website and asked Sister Glenda to oversee to continuing project.
In 2001 Sister Roberta Fooks, WGM, appointed Renee officially "WebMaster".
The following WGMs continued the appointment.
When Renee got a teaching job in Pine Bluff and her class could no longer help, Sister Glenda started making all the updates and corrections to the page and Renee developed the pages, backgrounds, etc.
For three years the website was on a free website server. Ads were constantly poping up on the free site. Renee was extremely irritated by the popups and felt some were not appropriate to be seen on an OES website. She found that for $4.95 a month the website could stay in tact with no ad pop-ups. She begin paying the monthly charge and did so until 2006.
In 2006, Sister Glenda Peyton was serving as WGM and appointed Tom Dixon, PGP and Harold MacIntire,PP to serve on the Website committee with Renee as WebMaster. Renee set up an information session with Bro. Tom and Bro. Harold and the three of them have continued the Website work since that time. Sister Glenda felt Renee had covered the website charges long enough and Sister Glenda begin making the monthly payments in 2006. In 2008 Geocities raised the monthly charge to $6.95 monthly.
For several years now, your Website Committee:
Renee Perry,PM, Web Master
Tom Dixon, PGP, GGCCM
Harold MacIntire,PP
(and Sister Glenda, PGM - not on committee)
have enjoyed serving you in this capacity.
Please enjoy your Grand Chapter Website.