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18 February 1997
a. (U) CJTF Commander’s Estimate, 4 February 1997
b. (U) USCINCPAC Warning Order (Simulated), 1 February 1997
c. (U) USCINCPAC Alert Order (Simulated), 10 February 1997
d. (U) I CORPS Joint Task Force SOP, 16 March 1995
Map Series ONC, Editions 1:1,000,000; Sheets: J-10, J-11, K-9, K-10, L-10, L-11.
Time Zone Used throughout Order: ZULU
A. (U) General. This plan reflects the combined WHITELAND CINCPAC and BLUELAND JOC response to the request of the Government of Country X for assistance in protecting their sovereignty from attack by OPFORLAND Forces.
B. (U) Area Of Concern
(1) (U) Joint Operations Area. The CJTF CJOA encompasses the territory and airspace of Countries X and Y as well as the waters and airspace bounded by the line extending from 2000N9800E, east to 2000N10700E, then southeast to 1800N10900E, then southeast to 1700N11100E, then south to 0800N11100E (including the contiguous waters of the South Pinkland Sea), then west to 0800N9800E (including the waters in the Gulf of Country X), then north to 2000N9800E.
(2) (U) Land operations are restricted to the area encompassed by a boundary originating at the Country X and Country Y border at 1430N, and running west to the 9800E Longitude, south along the 9800E to the coast of Country X and continuing along the coast of Country X and Country Y to 10600E and then north along longitude 10600E to latitude 1430N, then west to the border of Country X and Country Y.
(3) (U) Air operations are not authorized in an area north of the 1430N Latitude without prior coordination with Country X forces.
(4) (U) CNAVFOR Area of Operations (AO). CNAVFOR AO is defined as the sea space that extends from the coastline to the limits of the CJOA. Upon the landing of the MEU and MAU, it includes the Amphibious Operations Area (AOA).
(5) (U) CARFOR/CMARFOR AO. The land area of Country X and Country Y that is contained within the area south of the 1430N south to the coastline bounded to the east by the 10100E Longitude and to the west by the 10530E Longitude.
(6) (U) Combined/Joint Rear Area Command (CJRAC) is defined by the land area encompassed by a line running Country X coastline at 10100E, west to the 9800E, then north to 1430N, then east to 10100E, to close at the coastline and 10100E.
C. (U) Enemy Forces. (See Annex B, Intelligence).
(1) (U) OPFORLAND forces have refused to withdraw to positions east of the Kong river by the 1 December 1996 deadline in accordance with UNSCR and the Country X peace implementation agreements. United Nations forces in Country X have reported numerous violations of the Kilo Plateau cease-fire line and DMZ agreement. Violations are generally conducted by 15-20 man patrols of dismounted or jeep mounted soldiers moving generally east - west along roads and trails. They have conducted limited raiding of local commerce and when challenged, have attacked United Nations forces OPs (8-12 man outposts along the length of the cease-fire line). Country X internal security forces have reported OPFORLAND Special Operation Forces conducting extensive strategic reconnaissance missions in the vicinity of Uniform city, Kilo City and India City. Efforts appear to be concentrated on airfields, railways and major east-west MSR leading onto the Kilo Plateau. Also, the United Nations headquarters building in Bravo City has been the target of a bomb attack by either OPFORLAND sympathizers or unconventional warfare forces. Although only a small bomb causing slight damage to the wire security obstacles around the headquarters, it indicates the level of threat posed to foreign interests in Country X.
(2) (U) The violations of the agreements have escalated in frequency and magnitude, particularly against United Nations forces. In January, the commander of United Nations peacekeeping force formally stated to the Secretary General that he was unable to continue to execute his mission and enforce the terms of the mandate.
(3) (U) Despite OPFORLAND rhetoric to the contrary, intelligence reports indicate extensive resupply operations occurring in the 6th and 7th Corps areas. Indications are that OPFORLAND appears to be staging forces and materials for offensive operations
(4) (U) The locations of OPFORLAND pre-positioned materials, their frequent incursions into Country X, and their strategic reconnaissance efforts, further indicate that OPFORLAND is preparing to initiate combat operations in the near future. Strategic analysts believe OPFORLAND’s long term objective is to become the dominant regional power and eventually a world power.
D. (U) Friendly Forces
(1) (U) CINCPAC/JOC Mission: When directed, CJTF Cobra Gold 97 conducts combined military peace enforcement operations in support of the Government of Country X to defeat enemy forces, restore the border, and prevent future resurgence of aggression. On order, COMCJTF transfers mission responsibility in the CJOA to legitimate government authorities and redeploys the force.
(2) (U) CINCPAC Intent: I envision the use of overwhelming force to restore the border of Country X. I want to ensure the destruction of OPFORLAND Forces in the Diamond Region to the extent that the signatory countries of the United Nations charter can rest assured that there will be no resurgence of OPFOR aggression in Country X in the foreseeable future. I desire a quick solution. We must not allow the enemy to fall back on their own lines and form a deliberate defense. I do not intend to get involved in a long, ground war in the Diamond Region. The goal is to destroy the enemy’s will to fight and, at the earliest possible opportunity, terminate U.S. military operations, transfer mission responsibility to legitimate government authority, and redeploy forces to home stations.
(3) (U) Unassigned Forces.
(a) (U) United Nation’s peacekeeping forces have withdrawn from the CJOA as of 1 February 97. The UN headquarters remains in BRAVO City.
(b) (U) Currently Non-Governmental Organizations are present in the CJOA pursuing internal objectives.
(4) (U) Country X Forces. Country X forces will be on the northern flank. Exchange of liaison officers is authorized.
E. (U) Legal Considerations.
(1) (U) The following treaties and agreements impact on implementation of this plan:
(a) (U) Hague and Geneva conventions
(b) (U) Status of Forces Agreement, Whiteland and Country X, Blueland and Country X, Whiteland and Country Y, and Blueland and Country Y.
(2) (U) It is the policy of the coalition and that all captured personnel, whether members of regular or irregular forces, will be accorded the status, treatment, and protection of “Prisoner of War” status as defined in the Geneva Convention of 1949. It is also the policy of Whiteland to demand that Whiteland military personnel captured by the enemy be accorded the status of POWs as defined in the Geneva Convention.
(3) (U) Coalition policy regarding captured insurgents is that they will be treated as detainees and will be accorded the treatment of POWs as defined in Geneva Convention of 1949, but not the status of POW. Detainees will be treated humanely, processed, and turned over to civilian control as expeditiously as possible.
(1) (U) Selected Additional forces are available.
(2) (U) Joint operations are authorized in the territory and
water contiguous to countries X and Y.
(3) (U) Operations inside Country Y will be authorized.
(4) (U) Coalition operations between CJTF and forces of Country X possible, but not probable.
(5) (U) Operations anticipated not to exceed 90 days.
2. (U) MISSION. When directed, CJTF Cobra Gold 97 conducts combined military peace enforcement operations in support of the Government of Country X to defeat enemy forces, restore the border, and prevent future resurgence of aggression. On order, COMCJTF transfers mission responsibility in the CJOA to legitimate government authorities and redeploys the force.
COMJTF Intent: The purpose of this operation is to restore the border of Country X and destroy the offensive capability of OPFORLAND forces in the CJOA. We will eliminate his ability to conduct offensive operations in the foreseeable future by conducting air and naval operations to destroy the OEF air and naval components and prevent any external support or resupply. We will restore the border by conducting land offensive operations to defeat the OFL 6th Corps, forcing it to withdrawal, as a minimum, to east of PL CHROME. We will take advantage of our strengths: superior technology, information dominance, control of external LOCs, and ability to conduct full dimensional operations to avoid a protracted ground war. Initially, we will conduct air operations to gain air superiority and destroy OEF C2 and logistical nodes throughout Country Y. In the maritime area of the CJOA, we will initially neutralize his navy by forcing it into ports, where it can be destroyed, or out of the CJOA and achieve sea supremacy. Once we have gained air superiority and paralyzed the enemy C2 and logistics systems, CMARFOR and CARFOR will launch a ground offensive in conjunction with the forces of Country X to restore the border. When possible, we seek to use maneuver rather than direct attack to force the enemy to reposition his forces, making them vulnerable to our superior operational fires. In addition, the combined ground offensive will increase the enemy’s requirements for fuel, ammunitions and information to unsupportable levels. CNAVFOR will conduct an amphibious landing on the southern coast of Country Y to control a key littoral area and provide a base for future offensive operations, if required. CJSOTF will conduct UW, SR and DA throughout the operation. At the end of this operation, OFL air and naval components in the Diamond Region will have been effectively destroyed, 6th Corps has been defeated, Country X border has been restored and we are prepared to transfer responsibility of liberated areas of Country Y either to the recognized government or to an interim UN Peacekeeping force.
A. (U) Concept of Operations.
(1) (U) Phase I - Deployment. For the purpose of COBRA GOLD 97, all forces will be in place for the Command Post Exercise. Therefore, this phase will not be covered.
(2) (U) Phase II - Operational Level Strikes
(a) (U) General. Phase II begins with the CAFFORachieving air superiority, conducting precision strikes against enemy operational Command and Control facilities, transportation nodes and logistics centers as the initial main effort to degrade enemy C2 and logistical operations. CNAVFOR conducts interdicition operations in order to isolate OPFORLAND forces in Country Y and maintains a MEU and MAU afloat. Naval aviation and Naval surface fire support assets conduct operations in support of CAFFOR. CARFOR and CMARFOR will conduct combined training and battlefield preparation for offensive operations. CJSOTF conducts SR, UW and DA against enemy deep high value targets, and assists in SCUD SR/DA. This phase ends once the COMCJTF determines that air superiority has been achieved, 6th Corps has been isolated from OEF Headquarters, and the coalition has a 3:1 advantage at points of penetration.
(b) (U) Tasks to Subordinate Units
1. (U) Commander, Combined Army Forces (COMCARFOR)
a. (U) Prepare the battlefield for future offensive operations.
b. (U) Conduct combined training in preparation of Phase III operations.
c. (U) Exchange liaison officers with adjacent units of Country X forces.
d. (U) Be prepared to respond to increased OPFORLAND aggression, possibly a spoiling attack.
e. (U) Be prepared to provide humanitarian assistance to displaced civilians affected by military operations in the region.
f. (U) Provide 1-6th ID (L) as the CJTF reserve. Priority for planning is to support of CARFOR, support of CJRAC and support of CMARFOR.
g. (U) Be prepared to provide lift in support of movement of the CJTF reserve.
2. (U) Commander, Combined Naval Forces (COMCNAVFOR)
a. (U) Secure SLOCs, conduct force protection, counter-mine warfare and interdiction operations.
b. (U) Isolate OPFORLAND forces in Country Y.
c. (U) Support operational strikes with naval surface fire support assets.
3. (U) Commander, Combined Marine Forces (COMCMARFOR)
a. (U) Prepare the battlefield for future offensive operations.
b. (U) Be prepared to respond to increased OPFORLAND aggression, possibly a spoiling attack.
c. (U) Be prepared to provide humanitarian assistance to displaced civilians affected by military operations in the region.
4. (U) Commander, Combined Air Forces (COMCAFFOR)
a. (U) Conduct Offensive Counter-Air (OCA) to gain air superiority, protect CJTF forces and bases, destroy OPFOR Air Force and support land operations over the CJOA.
b. (U) Attack enemy Command and Control facilities, transportation nodes, logistical support centers and airfields in order to degrade enemy ability to conduct coherent theather-wide defensive operations.
c. (U) Coordinate, regulate, and control joint military air operations.
d. (U) Assume the roles, responsibilities and functions of the JFACC.
e. (U) Establish and operate the CJTF COBRA GOLD CJSRC (Combined/Joint Search and Rescue Center)
5. (U) Commander, Combined/Joint Special Operations Task Force (COMCJSOTF)
a. (U) Conduct special reconnaissance, direct action and unconventional warfare missions throughout the CJOA.
b. (U) Conduct FID in support of Country Y.
c. (U) Strike selected High Value Targets (HVTs) as directed.
d. (U) Conduct internal security assessments, and force protection missions.
e. (U) Be prepared to conduct personnel recovery operations.
f. (U) Be prepared to conduct limited Humanitarian Assistance (HA).
(2) (U) Phase III - Attack
(a) (U) General. This phase begins with with offensive operations to expel OPFOR forces in conjunction with Country X offensive operations to the north. This phase concludes when OBJs BEAR and TIGER are have been siezed, having expelled enemy forces from Country X and the OPFOR no longer possesses an offensive capability within the CJOA. CARFOR, the CJTF main effort and CMARFOR, supporting effort, attack in zone to defeat enemy forces. Simultaneously, CNAVFOR conducts amphibious operations on the southern coast of Country Y to secure a key lattoral region of Coutry Y and to force the enemy to conduct operations on two fronts in the CJOA. CAFFOR supports the land offensive with Close Air Support (CAS) and Air Interdiction (AI). After enemy OPTEMPO has increased and enemy attempts to reactivate C2 and logistical nodes to support offensive operations CAFFOR reattacks these critical nodes to maintain isolation of 6th Corps. The priority will be to enemy CORPS command and control nodes, transportation assets, artillery and armor forces. CNAVFOR continues aviation and surface fire support operations and CJSOTF continues operations in support of the CJTF.
(b) (U) Tasks to Subordinate Units
1. (U) Commander, Combined Army Forces (COMCARFOR)
a. (U) On order, attack in CARFOR area of operations (AO) to seize OBJECTIVES BEAR and TIGER and defeat enemy forces in zone.
b. (U) Be prepared to continue offensive operations.
c. (U) Be prepared to provide humanitarian assistance to displaced civilians affected by military operations in the region.
d. (U) Provide 1-6th ID (L) as the CJTF reserve. Priority for planning is to support of CARFOR, support of CJRAC and support of CMARFOR.
e. (U) Be prepared to provide lift in support of movement of the CJTF reserve.
2. (U) Commander, Combined Naval Forces (COMCNAVFOR)
a. (U) Secure sea LOCs in the CJOA, conduct force protection and perform advance force operations.
b. (U) Defeat OPFORLAND Naval Forces.
c. (U) Support theater-level attacks against enemy command systems with surface fire support assets.
d. (U) Conduct an amphibious assault with a MEU and a MAU vicinity RAM.
e. (U) Be prepared to reinforce the amphibious assault.
3. (U) Commander, Combined Marine Forces (COMCMARFOR)
a. (U) On order, attack in zone to defeat OPFORLAND forces and support CARFOR attack to sieze OBJ TIGER.
b. (U) Be prepared to continue offensive operations.
c. (U) Be prepared to provide humanitarian assistance to displaced civilians affected by military operations in the region.
d. (U) Be prepared to reinforce the amphibious assault.
e. (U) Conduct air operations in zone to interdict enemy forces reinforcing OFL 6th Corps.
4. (U) Commander, Combined Air Forces (COMCAFFOR)
a. (U) Provide CAS and AI in support of land offensive operations.
b. (U) Continue destruction of enemy theater-level critical assets.
c. (U) Reattack enemy command and control nodes and logistical assets as they activate to support defensive operations.
d. (U) Continue responsibilities as the JFACC.
e. (U) Maintain operation of the COBRA GOLD CJSRC.
5. (U) Commander, Combined/Joint Special Operations Task Force (COMCJSOTF)
a. (U) Continue Phase II missions.
(3) (U) Phase IV - Transition to Peace/Redeploy
(a) (U) General. Phase IV begins on order with the conclusion of Phase III. CJTF will transfer responsibility of liberated areas of Country X to civil authorities. It will establish and control a buffer zone, located in Country Y (size and location to be determined) until area responsibility is transfered to a recognized government of Country Y or an established UN Peacekeeping Force. CNAVFOR will continue to isolate OPFORLAND forces in Country and either transfer or discontinue air support within the CJOA. CAFFOR will continue operations to the extent necessary to provide force protection within the CJOA and enforce designated no-fly areas. CARFOR and CMARFOR will continue operations to ensure a smooth and orderly transition until the transfer of area responsibility is complete. CJRAC and CJSOTF will continue operations in support of the CJTF. Once Country X forces are prepared to assume control of the land area of operations, CARFOR and CMARFOR will transfer responsibility of their respective areas to Country X forces. Upon a successful transfer, CARFOR and CMARFOR will move to and occupy assembly areas and prepare for redeployment. The CJTF will be prepared to provide limited HA. Phase IV ends when the CJTF has returned responsibility for all operations within the CJOA to designated authorities and is prepared for redeployment.
(b) (U) Tasks to Subordinate Units
1. (U) Commander, Combined Army Forces (COMCARFOR)
a. (U) Conduct security operations in zone until relieved by civil authorities or peacekeeping forces.
b. (U) Provide 1-6th ID (L) as the CJTF reserve. Priority for planning is to support of CARFOR, support of CJRAC and support of CMARFOR.
c. (U) Be prepared to provide lift in support of movement of the CJTF reserve.
d. (U) Occupy AA and prepare for redeployment.
e. (U) Be prepared to assist with FID/UW and HA operations.
f. (U) On order, redeploy.
2. (U) Commander, Combined Naval Forces (COMCNAVFOR)
a. (U) Secure SLOCs in the CJOA, conduct force protection, and counter-mine warfare.
b. (U) Continue isolation of OPFORLAND forces in Country Y.
c. (U) Be prepared to provide Naval Surface Fire Support.
d. (U) Be prepared to assist with FID/UW and HA operations.
3. (U) Commander, Combined Marine Forces (COMCMARFOR)
a. (U) Conduct security operations in zone until relieved by civil authorities or peacekeeping forces.
b. (U) Occupy AA and prepare for redeployment.
c. (U) Be prepared to assist with FID/UW and HA operations.
d. (U) On order, redeploy.
4. (U) Commander, Combined Air Forces (COMCAFFOR)
a. (U) Conduct defensive air/counterair operations to protect CJTF forces and bases.
b. (U) Enforce no-fly zone as required.
c. (U) Be prepared to provide CAS to CJTF land forces.
d. (U) On order, redeploy.
5. (U) Commander, Combined/Joint Special Operations Task Force (COMCJSOTF)
a. (U) Conduct special operations as directed to support component operations.
b. (U) Conduct FID in support of Country X.
c. (U) Conduct internal security missions.
d. (U) Be prepared to conduct personnel recovery operations.
e. (U) On order, redeploy.
B. (U) Coordinating Instructions
(1) (U) Timing Definitions
(a) (U) D-day is the day offensive air operations begin: 07 May 97
(b) (U) H-hour is the specific hour on D-day that execution of offensive air operations begin.
(2) (U) Conduct all operations to minimize collateral damage to nonmilitary personnel and facilities, and limit economic hardship to Country X and Y.
(3) (U) Use of riot control agents require National Command Authority (NCA) approval.
(4) (U) Component commands and subordinate task forces have the responsibility for detainees, refugees, and displaced personnel in their area of operation.
(5) (U) ROE: Standing ROE in effect as modified in Appendix 8 (ROE) to Annex C (OPERATIONS). Submit supplemental ROE requirements for consideration and approval.
A. (U) CONCEPT OF SUPPORT. Logistics support to CJTF Cobra Gold (CG) component commands remains a service responsibility. Initially, only ARFOR and MARFOR will have logistics headquarters ashore. ARFOR and MARFOR are responsible for movement control within their sectors of the CJRA. Once MARFOR and ARFOR have completed the reception, staging, and onward movement of their forces, the Combined Joint Rear Area (CJRA) will be established by ARFOR. Thereafter (C+45), all logistics operations conducted in the CJRA and certain common DS/GS support to service components are a ARFOR responsibility. Cross-leveling of intra-theater assets are directed by Commander, CJTF CG as necessary to maximize support to all forces and prevent duplication of effort.
B. (U) MATERIAL. Common servicing is in effect for all CJTF components. All forces coordinate for the initial flow of 60 days of supplies for Classes I, II, III (PKG), IV, V, VIII, and IX. CMARFOR will coordinate for a 60 day flow of Class III(B) for their forces. CARFOR will coordinate for all ground force Class III(B) support. The primary logistics base for ARFOR are located vic Sierra City, and for MARFOR vic Juliet City.
C. (U) TRANSPORTATION. AMC has an existing channel flight, originating in Yokota, that will move materiel into the JOA. Additionally, AMCs Pacific Express program is available to more high priority cargo (999) from CONUS (APOE is Travis) to the CJTF APODs within the JOA. Primary APOD is UTAPAO. Secondary APOD is Bravo City. Primary SPOD is Sierra City. Alternate SPOD is Bravo City.
D. (U) HOST NATION SUPPORT. Maximum use of Host Nation Support (HNS) and contracted support/facilities will be used, as available. All service components will submit their Host Nation Support requirements to CJTF CJ4. CJTF CG is coordinating for LOG/Admin facilities, as identified by service component LNOs, vic Sierra City, and Juliet City.
E. (U) PERSONNEL. See Annex E.NEWANNE.html
A. (U) Command Posts
(1) (U) CJTF Main CP located vic SATTAHIP.
(2) (U) Initial CJTF (FWD) CP collocated with TBD.
B. (U) Succession of command.
C. (U) Command, Control, and Communications Systems.
(1) (U) Communications means during the deployment and redeployment will consist of Telephone of Thailand (TOT) commercial lines, cellular phones, SC TACSAT, and military communications (once established).
(2) (U) Communications during the operational strikes, ground attack and transition will consist of tactical FM , HF, and SC TACSAT radio nets, augmented by tactical voice, message, and circuit switching and data networks.
(3) (U) The CJTF-CG JCEOI will be in effect for this operation.
(4) (U) The intertheater COMSEC Package (ICP) is prescribed for all joint nets. Use of ICP for internal service requirements is prohibited.
Lieutenant General, THAI Lieutenant General, USA
Commander, CJTF Commander, USCJTF
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