A treasured gift from Teresa.
March 1999 in her own
words :)
I have met several wonderful women here on the internet and
I would like
to nominate each
for your Kind Hearted Woman Recognition. I hope there is
not a limit :o)
My Name Is: Teresa
I do not want to remain anonymous.
I want each to know
how very special they are. :o)
I feel that God seen my life was lacking in the friendship
of good, kind hearted women. Seeing this he caused our
paths to cross here in this "cyberworld" & each has
enriched my life.
Eileen through her web site "Family Matters" has
met online several people just needing a friend. She
e-mails them, comforts them, and just plain
brings them close to her heart. There have been times when
people are in somewhat of a crises that she has talked via
e-mail with them all night long.
Sending in excess of 30 e-mails in at least one situation I
know of. She doesn't complain. She doesn't brag. She just
feels good when she knows that she has helped in some way.
She is definitely a Kind Hearted Woman!
Thank you Teresa from the bottom of my heart! You are also
a special part of my life and I feel as if I have known you
forever. It is a blessing from God to have your love and
Thank you for also nominating my sisters for this award.
Linda, Margaret and Rhonda! Thanks Margaret for nominating
Teresa in return. You are all deserving of the kindhearted
woman award!!!! I love ya'll. Eileen
© 1999 ebeedy@webtv.net