I sit here in this silence.
Uncertainty has it's clutch.
Fear has taken over me.
For the one I love so much.
He is my lighthouse to you Lord,
that always guides my way.
Whenever I get lost in life
And dont take time to pray.
This path of life that he must walk
We do not understand.
I ask you Lord to handle this
His life is in your hands.
The awesome power that you hold
Almighty in your hands
Is something that so many folks
Will never understand.
I know your powers of healing.
I've seen them many times.
I ask in Jesus name, dear Lord
To touch him one more time.
I know that you can heal him.
You've done it once before.
I give him back to you Lord.
A miracle we need once more.
Strengthen every ounce of faith
I have within my soul.
So you can do your work Lord,
Teach me to just let go.
I give you all the glory
For all that you have done.
Thank you for your miracle.
My lighthouse is my son.
I wrote this poem while they were doing tests on my son
today. Kenny is faced with medical problems.
pray for him to find strength and receive
healing from
God above.
He is my pride and joy.
Thank you from
the bottom of my heart.
© 1999 ebreedy@webtv.net