Through A Childs Eyes

You can do nothing to bring the dead back to life but you can do much to save the living from death.

I am a survivor of attempted suicide. There are a lot of feelings that pass through your heart in the moments before attempting to end your own life. Feelings of no place in this world. Your mind races so fast there is no conception of time or a life in the days to come. I personally have found myself in this situation several times. The first, I was somewhere around eight years old. Coming from a very large family there should have been a lot of love and support all around us. If there was I didnt see or feel it. All I can remember is a very disfunctional family and that has not changed. Without a doubt I had all the symptoms of a disturbed child. To hear a couple of my sisters talk now, I was a wild child! Biting and striking out all of the time. I tried on more than one occasion to cause my siblings physical harm. Always saying "I wish I was dead" and "nobody loves me". The sad part is, that was how I truely felt. Deep inside my mind and soul I was alone. We had moved away from my Grandma and she was all I had to talk to. My Grandma is the only person in the whole wide world that I know loved me every day of my life. She loved me just the way I was, unconditionally. When I lost her in my everyday life I felt I ran out of options. It was either live or die. I remember taking some pills out of the medicine chest. I didnt know what it was or how much to take but I believed it would be over for me if I took more than one of them. Well, I took around three or four of something. All I got out of it was bouncing off the walls for several days. The second time I attempted to take my life I was a teenager. I got married at a young age with visions of my own happy home. From my wedding night on, my ex-husband was physically and mentally abusive. We hadnt been married over a few months and I got pregnant. I will never forget the night he got drunk and beat me. I remember thinking I was so alone with no place to go. So scared, I sat on the front porch wishing he would come to me and say he was sorry. As usual, he passed out. That night I lost the baby and saw no reason to live another day. I took a handful of Sominex. All I got was real sick. It didnt stay in my stomach long enough to even help me sleep. I would have left that relationship then if I felt I had somewhere to go. I know the only reason that I am still alive is because of my ignorance as to how many pills it takes to cause death. There are a lot of things to consider before atempting to end your life. Death is final. Nothing else is beyond changing. There are always options if we look hard enough to see them. I thank God for sparing my life and giving me children of my own. I have learned to love myself as well as others. I am loved in return. Things I experienced in childhood have made me a better parent. I know one thing without a doubt, God loves me and always has.

Eileen Breedlove

I wrote this poem for someone very special in my life.

Guide Her Way

My child cut herself today.
Lord, I understand.
The kind of things inside her heart
As the blade is in her hand.

She's trying very hard.
Gaining strength each passing day.
Fighting off temptations
To harm herself this way.

Fighting back the tears she cries
Bad memories keep there hold.
Help her find the strength inside
To learn to just let go.

Thinking she deserves the pain
Is all she knows to feel.
Show her that you're there for her.
A sign that you are real.

She prayed to you when she was young
To make her life OK.
Not knowing that the path she walked
Would make her who she is today.

If she could just feel your presence
I know she would believe.
Just carry her for awhile Lord,
And let her suffering leave.

Please help her to have faith
And believe that you are there.
Then I know she'd talk to you
And feel the power of prayer.

Just a little sign Lord
That she can understand.
Let her feel the strength inside
From the touch of your gentle hand.

I turn it over it you Lord,
To help her find the way.
And feel you deep inside her heart
So you can guide her way.

Eileen Breedlove

The Serenity Prayer

God, grant me the serenity
to accept the things
I cannot change,
Courage to change the things
I can; and the wisdom
to know the difference.

To be given another chance at life is a blessing.
Whether or not the value of life is realized and appreciated at the time,time changes everything.
It is my hope that myself,and others,will be thankful for the blessing of life today and further on down the road.
It is my hope that myself,and others,find peace in there heart and feel the desire to live life to its fullest.
It is my hope that myself, and others, find strength within to dismiss any distructive thoughts or actions towards myself and others.
It is my hope that myself, and others, learn to live one day at a time.



Child Abuse

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Sexual Abuse

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For My Family And Friends

Just For Today


Yellow Ribbon Program

Skenny's Outpost

The Healing Heart Mission

1000 Deaths-Loved Ones Lost To Suicide

Simple Rules For Parents

Kids Help Phone. 1-800-668-6868

Youth Suicide Prevention Information

Fa cts For Families

Youth Suicide

American Foundation for Suicide Prevention

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