Do You Believe You Can Go To Heaven
If You
Take Your Own Life?
Inspired by: WINGS
God Is Forgiving
I know that God is forgiving
no matter what we do.
He said we only have to ask.
I believe this to be true.
A Father wouldn't cast His child
Into the pits of hell
Knowing an action took place
At a time a mind wasn't well.
He knows our every thought
Completely through and through.
He doesn't care what others think
It's all between Him and you.
I don't think God has guidelines
Whether sins are great or small
Jesus paid the ultimate price
And forgiveness is there for us all.
Written By: Eileen Breedlove
I used to firmly believe that those who committed suicide
didn't go to heaven. At the time I believed it was amoung
the most tragic of sins to throw the gift of life into
God's face.
Having made the miraculous recovery from being suicidal, I
have the perspective, and a more realistic belief. I say
"the" perspective, because until I walked in the shoes that
take one to the edge of one's own existence, I did not have
the benefit (?) of knowing what all is actually involved.
And I say "realistic" because assuming I knew what suicidal
people actually went through before I knew for myself
simply wasn't realistic. Suicidal people don't throw the
gift of life in God's face. They don't believe they have a
life to throw. They simply want to end the endless pain
that is doing no one any good, especially their families.
They don't really have a life, per se, they are the walking
dead. I dare say God does not judge so harshly the chemical
imbalances of the brain one cannot control, nor does He
withhold mercy for those whose lives have become so tragic
with unbearable pain (of any kind) that he would cast them
down in their most dire hour of need.
When on the edge, I felt completely unloved, unwanted, and
worthless. I was lucky to have God show Himself to me
through the faces of my chidren. Some are not so lucky. I
don't think God likes suicide anymore than he likes car
wrecks or war. Nonetheless, I now believe God holds a
special place in His kingdom for those who suffer so
tragically passing from this life to the next, regardless
of the road taken.
Those who, like I used to, judge the suicidal as selfish,
etc., need only fall to their knees in gratitude that they
themselves have never felt the complete and utter
indifference to one's own existence, that they have never
looked in the mirror and felt such complete contempt for
what looked back that they would feel the need to pick up a
gun, rope or pill bottle. Those who are suicidal honestly
and sincerely believe that they are doing their loved ones
a huge favor by eliminating themselves from their lives.
Those who have not felt the isolation and deepest pain of
self-loathing ought count their blessings that they have
the miracle of awareness, the miracle of self-love. A
suicidal state is every bit as difficult to recover from as
terminal cancer. The miracle of recovery is still the
miracle of recovery. We don't know why some recover from
cancer and why some don't. And we don't know, nor should we
suppose to know, why some recover from a suicidal state and
some don't. The odds, statistically, are not higher for the
suicidal state. It just seems that way. Remember that
mental illness is still, in this enlightened millineum,
held beneath contempt, seen as a weakness, rather than the
illness that it is. And the few that do recover often do so
without any help from family, society, or modern medicine.
Once in Heaven, I believe that God bestows upon the
suicidal the miracle they could not receive here on earth,
for whatever reason.
Copyrighted 2000 By: Diana Hartman
Would I Go To Heaven??
When I was a little girl, five or so, I remember watching
big fluffy snowflakes falling from my bedroom window for
long lengths of time. My nose pressed against the window
pane. I would get lost in my thoughts. I used to imagine
those big fluffy snowflakes were feathers falling from
Heaven because the angels were having a pillow fight. I
wondered if they ever got into trouble but felt sure God
didnt mind them having fun. I went to Sunday School every
Sunday as it was a highlight of my life to be there
learning about Heaven and Jesus. Heaven just sounded like
the place that I wanted to be. I was a very lonely, unhappy
child that felt I didnt belong in my family or anywhere
else in life for that matter. I used to get into so much
trouble for saying "I wish I was dead." Many times I
thought about dying and wondering how I could do it. I
didnt like it where I was and wanted to just go to Heaven
where I would fit in and be happy . By the age of 7 or 8 I
was asking questions about if you did something what would
happen to you... checking out the How To Kill Yourself
world of knowledge. Within a year or so I made my first
attempt at taking my life so I could go to Heaven. It wasnt
a spur of the moment thing. It didnt work but NOBODY can
tell ME if I had died I wouldnt have gone right straight to
Heaven. The God I know would NOT have let me go to hell way! I said on my Webpage concerning suicide that I
had tried it twice. I ment to die twice but there were
several shabby attempts after the first attempt. I dont
think I really wanted it to work but get SOMEONES
attention. OK I know you are saying by now because I was
not the age of acountablity I might have made it to Heaven
but what about when I was a young adult and intended to
take my life to be in a better place? I was still Gods
child.... Dont misinterpret what i am saying because
suicide is NEVER the answer but it is hard to find your
options or see any hope when you are in that state of mind.
Unless you have been there you cannot judge the situation
because you havent the slightest idea of the things that
are going through ones mind. The desperation. Words cannot
express those thoughts and feelings. Its as if you are free
falling from a cliff and there is nothing you can do to
stop it. I do not believe for one minute if it had worked
God would have let me go to hell. He knows my heart and He
knows my every thought. He knows I was not in control and
my God is a forgiving God. There are however ways to "Get
Control". There are always options out there and you just
have to change what has to be changed to have a healthy
mind. Make God the center of your life and ask Him to take
Talk to yourself.
Talk to
Whatever you do...
Stay Safe & Be Happy.
Eileen Breedlove
Nothing Is Too Hard For God
In April of 1993 my 20 year old son Bryan accidently shot
his brother Marcus. As I was calling 911 to get help in all
the confusion he paniced and shot his self. His last words
were Mama and he pulled the trigger. I stood helpless as he
died instantly. My first thought was, to cry out to God, my
baby is going to hell because he killed his self. I said
Father if you will just return the spirit long enough to
repent, I can live with whatever happens. God did just that
for me,he spoke to me and said i got him. But he also let
me know our thougts are not his thoughts. He explained to
me theres a difference between suicide and remorse. He said
Bryan did not try to kill hisself. He was sorry for what he
done. He only meant to wound himself, but it just happen to
be fatal. Any time satan tries to tell me in hell, God
always confirm to me in some kind of way, Satan is a liar.
But if I could only speak to someone who is planning on
taking their life, I would tell them please don't, because
the ones left behind really suffer, Even though he was
young he left behind three beautiful daughters Two are
with their mothers. I'm rasing his second daughter. Her
mother died five days later from heart failure, diabeties,
and kidney failure. She is 11 now but she has been in
counseling behind all this from the age of for. So I
advised anyone out there PLEASE PLEASE in the name of Jesus
don't do this. Marcus survived and he is about to be a
father any day now. Ultra sound showed it's a boy. Sorry
this is so long, but what you wrote touch my heart, about
heaven and hell. I wantd to tell my story to help others.
Tell them for me Eileen, Nothing is too hard for God. God
bless you and thanks very much.
Mamie Floyd
Jesus is the way, the truth, and light.
It is my belief that Jesus died for our sins so out God
would forgive us our sins no matter what we do, i think he
has a way of healing us...........maybe i am wrong but this
is just the way i feel, i do believe that we make our own
Hell, it is not some where we go when we die. thank you all
for the wonderful words they are encouraging...... i too
have chemical imbalances in the brain and that takes time
to come back from as well, i never got to the point of
being suicidal, i guess i am to selfish thank God for that,
i want to see how life plays out and to be with the loved
ones. that has always been imortant to
Tammy McFarland
Its Not For Me To Judge
I am not sure of how I feel about the subject...I know the
word say's "Thou shalt not kill" and to commit suicide is
to kill one's self, I know that God will forgive sin if we
repent, but how can one repent after they are dead? (These
are all things that I have been tought.) I feel that if a
person is at the stage of realy committing suicide, they
are so miserable that they are not really themselves, that
they are not thinking straight, their pain supercides their
love of life,rather it be physical pain or mental,one is as
bad as the other and we do have a very merciful God who
understands things far better than we do, so I just leave
it in His Hands, IT IS NOT FOR ME TO JUDGE these things, I
can only hope and pray that they do go to heaven. There
have been so many that God has delivered from attempted
suicide, they have been given a second chance at life, some
through hearing a preached word on TV right at the right
time, some through being taken to the hospital and having
their stomach pumped some have actually heard a "voice"
telling them not to yet some have succeeded, I don't
understand all things, I wish I did, I use to think I knew
all the answers, everything was either black or white, now
that I have experianced Life and a lot of the pain that
goes with it, I am not sure of anything except that Jesus
died that we may live, that is the one thing I do KNOW for
Rita Howard
Just me in lil' ole' Alaska!
My opinion may be somewhat shocking to many of you. It
perhaps may be the cause of me being expelled from this
wonderful group of women, but I have come to this opinion
from 58 years of living in a very large family and with
many friends.
My opinion is that you DEFINITELY will go to Heaven if you
take your own life. God is not a vengeful God. He knows our
weaknesses and he knows our
vulnerability. He is not a hateful God and he is not a God
that would cause us pain. We cause our own pain right here
on earth!
Sometimes, there are people who just can't handle the pain
of living. Yes, there is always a way out somewhere in the
future, but at the time they can't see it. Life is more
than they can bear.
I know that murder is a sin, etc., etc., etc., but God is
still a kind, loving God and in no way is he going to
condemn unjustly when His own Son was unjustly condemned to
death on this earth.
It's a little more complex than that, but my simple meager
mental meanderings are all I can write at this time.
Love you all!
Carmen in Alaska
I too have given a great deal of thought
to the idea. There are days I just want out. I don't like
me most of the time. I truly feel I am a waste of good
clean air. But, why I haven't finished the job I started so
many times...I really don't know. I have lost so much trust
in people. Well, actually most people. I have this constant
fear of being hurt. Laugh if you want, but this is my
feeling. I am never happy.. I have a constant fear and
weight on my shoulders. A deep deep fear and hate.. A hate
of memories. A hate of being used.. A hate of being abused.
A hate of life at times..
You know we talk about going to Hell... Well I don't
think there is a Hell. I think the only Hell there is.. is
right here on earth. Think of it, Pain, rape, murder,
robbery, fires, auto accidents, air disasters, wars, back
stabbing, so called friends not really caring, just wanting
what they can get, the elderly that are forgotten in
nursing homes or worse yet left to live on the streets,
hunger, abortion, God fearing people that are all SHOW in
the prayer line running to church every Sunday in their
fine fancy clothes, just to go have a healthy drink with
friends and over do it. people living as vegetables on life
support, MEMORIES, betrayal, sounds a lot like a HELL to
SO, we die..that in itself has to be Heaven. None of the
above will ever bother us again. When we lose someone. What
happens? Well everyone crys. but why? Because we are going
to miss them. Boy is this selfish or what? We should be
happy. those are the ones that have left this Hell we call
earth...YES, I have thought of suicide...more than a few
times...Why haven't I succeeded? Because...because...well,
I just don't want to be placed in another of those damn
hospitals again.. NOW that is HELL... No..HELL is too good
of a word for that place.. Undescribable is the only way I
can describe that.
If this makes you upset with me, I'm sorry, but ya know
something..I feel good just getting it off my chest.
Sometimes just being able to talk about this stuff gives me
the energy to make it.. To say.. well, Thats better, now I
can go on.
Molly Offnick
I believe if you are truly liveing your life for God Whole
heartedly and
Faithfully, and a tragedy like a rape or something
else tramatic happens And You commit suicide, I believe
God will forgive you and you can go to
heaven.. If you can Kill someone and repent and ask for
forgiveness and he will forgive you and let you go to
heaven, then why would'nt he forgive you for killing
yourself, and let you in his Gates of Heaven.?
This is Just a Thought
Sharron Lambkin
Through everything God IS our loving Heavenly Father.
Perhaps, when we think about the emotions resulting in a
Parent's heart from a child's suicide, we should ask
earthly parents how they feel - and then we may see a pale
reflection of Our Heavenly Father's reaction.
Another thought......would the judgmental class anorexics
as suicides?
On the whole it is a LOT better to try NOT to judge or
pretend we know exactly what God would do......
Elizabeth Tolson
Suicide, touchy matter. Some minds you won't
change but hey, glad God judges from the inside
not out side like man does so here goes your answer.
1. When God started showing me insights to
share with people (gift of discernment) as i walked
into the church, a lady was crying as talking to pastor.
This was my first time at the gift, so
really loud, not knowing what I was doing, I went
over to her and the two pastors and blurted out
what i saw, Jesus and a young girl, as I decribed
her perfectly. Later to find she had comitted sucide
at age 15 or 16 can't remember now.
Hump, people say those who commit suicide dont go
to heaven? They better tell Jesus that cus He doesnt
know he is suspose to go by mans laws!!
2. Listen closely,
You know the prophet Samuel? Well he died and went to
Abrahams bossum. where people who followed God went because
Jesus had not come yet.
Those without God went straight to hell.
and Saul called up Samuel out of there to talk to him
remember the story?? Well didn't Samuel tell Saul
that he (Saul) and his boys would be WITH Samuel
the next day??????????? and we know Samuel wasn't
in hell was he????? Remember Saul comitted suicide
if you want the scripture verses contact me!
Need I say more??
Chaplain Macalynn Gore
bible-basic instructions before leaving earth
have you read my #1 best seller? there will be a
compassion greater than vengance-forgiveness more powerful
than anger.
This message is for people like you, people who live in the darkness of turmoil. I trust it will help you to see your way, step by step, out of the shadows and into the light of God's love for you. ~ Leslie A Turvey
A few years ago a man with a flashlight entered a burning house. "Follow the light," he called to the occupants, as he shone the beam up a smoke-filled stairwell. "Follow the light." With this simple instruction he was able to lead the people to safety.
Thousands of years ago the shepherd king, David of Israel wrote, "Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path (Psalm 119:105)."
The energy of light is one of our most valuable assets. Even the glimmer of a tiny candle is better than groping in the dark. To the ancient seamen a light meant safe harbour, and to a weary traveller the lights of home are a welcome sight.
When David wrote, "Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path," he wasn't comparing God's words to a mega-watt search light, but with a small oil lamp that gave him enough light to see each footfall, and a bit of the pathway ahead.
When trials saturate our lives we look for a powerful light to show our way clearly out of our problems. But when we don't find it the temptation is to look to drugs, sex, alcohol, and even suicide which snuffs out any light we may have had.
God provides a light for us through the words of his holy bible. And prayer is the spark that ignites it.
Begin with prayer, not for God to take away your problems, but to light your way safely through them. It means letting go of your life, and committing it to the one who cares for you more than you even care for yourself.
Pray to God daily, asking him to forgive every sin you've ever committed, every wrong you've done to others. Ask him to cleanse you of every evil thought, of every speck of anger, and to give you a peace-filled mind. And ask him for patience to wait for his response.
God knows what you need, and he'll give it to you when the time is right. Meanwhile, turn to the book of Psalms and read one each day. Let them be a lamp to your feet, and a light to your path.
King David's life, like yours, was plagued with problems. Many of the psalms are his prayers to God, asking for forgiveness and mercy; some are cries of despair; and others are hymns of praise.
As you pray, and study the Psalms, you'll find yourself developing a living relationship with our heavenly father, God, and you'll soon see his light clearing the shadows from your life. Be like the shepherd king and follow the light.
Bro. Leslie A Turvey
A servant of Jesus Christ
There's a feeling that resides
deep within my mind.
Constant pain and suffering,
No peace is there to find.
It lingers on each waking day
And haunts me through the night.
No matter how I see my world
It's never worth the fight.
That feeling thats within me
Overshadows all things good.
It's hard to face this test of life
The way that I know I should.
What makes a person want to end
A gift so precious as life?
How could this feeling overpower me
And cut just like a knife?
I truly do not understand
As I struggle to find my way.
Why this feeling in my mind
Will never go away.
Where is the answer
To stop this endless pain?
I ache to feel a peaceful heart
And cherish life again.
I come to you in prayer Lord
Please help to set me free.
I feel to weak to take a step.
For awhile please carry me.
I need to feel your powers
deep inside my soul.
To turn it over to you Lord
Teach me to just let go.
I believe that you can do it.
I've seen it many times.
Take the darkness from deep within
And fill my soul with sunshine.
Eileen Breedlove
Attempted Suicide...My Friend Ruth's Story
Attempted Suicide...My Story
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