Diging Up The Past

This Page Was Last Updated 11/20/2002

Panadería Marín.....La Auténtica Reposteria de Marín......Desde 1955......Hojarasca - Empanada - Turco........Atendido Por Su Propietaria........Claudia Isabel Cabrera Leal............Alfonso Martinez de la Garza No. 206 Tel (01-825) 248-00-42 Marin, N.L México

Aquí tendrá la oportunidad de probar las ricas hojarascas, las empanadas de leche quemada, calabaza y piña, así como los turcos, su especialidad.


The articles and fotos presented here are Copyright 1998, by Jose Gonzalez, unless otherwise noted. They may not be printed in any publication without written permission. Permission is granted for all interested readers to share and pass on the ASCII text files of the articles or to print them out for personal use. In such case your comments would be appreciated.