March 11, 2000:

After 30(!) hours of labor for Robin, Sammy peeked out his tiny little head and let out his first wail at 8:33 on Saturday morning. Official dimensions for the new Krueger were impressive - he weighed in at 8 lbs, 1.5 ounces and is 21 inches long. Robin and I are very excited and we look forward to the adventures that lay ahead for the Krueger clan.
Check out the pics - this is only a couple of days worth, but they seemed to be in demand...

This is my favorite pic of Sammy (I've managed to squeeze out about 80 pics just with the digi-cam in the last couple of days) - it was taken on 3/13, right after we returned home from the hospital.
  The proud parents right after Sammy was born.
Mom and Sammy - Robin looks exhausted for some reason.
Taking Sam for a walk in the park.

More pics!

family and friends bathtime back at home the first hours
