and Nastia, with their children Alex, John, Michael and Anna, were among
group that settled west
of Saskatoon and formed the village of Kirilowka. Misha's
mother, Anastasia, age 57,
also came and lived with Misha's brother John's family.
Misha's other siblings,
Polly, Doonya and Bill also came to the village then.
Misha, thinking the government would send him into the military, would
not accept a
homestead. Instead, in 1910,
Son John obtained SE 1/4-10-39-8-W3 as a homestead.
When John enlisted in the
army in June, 1914, Misha, and Nastia along with their
children Tena, George and
Nick moved to the homestead from the village. Everyone
shared in the hardship of
pioneer farm life: building, breaking up prairie soil and
farming it with horses.
They built a small, two room log house which
was clay-straw
plastered, with a sod roof
and a clay floor. Just to the west, they built a log barn and
dug a well. Logs were obtained
from the dismantled village buildings. The rhubarb they
planted behind the house
was still producing in the 1960's. In May, 1924, the land was
transferred to Misha, who
continued Farming it.
When son
Michael, Tina and boys relocated to Shellbrook in 1925-26, Misha's family
moved to Michael's yard,
NE 1/4-12-39-8-VV3, located three miles southeast of
Langham, because the house
there was better. Misha and Nastia continued living
there, helping George and
Helen with the children. Misha rented / leased land
diagonally to the northeast,
SW 1/4-18-39-7-W3. After Misha's death, son George
continued to farm it.
Misha was
a religious man who did not smoke, drink or eat meat. He spoke with aloud,
harsh voice, not allowing
Nastia to speak her mind much. However, Nick Jr.
recalls Grandpa Misha always
had peppermint candies to give out on his visits. Nastia
was a loving and caring
woman. Both passed away within a month of each other,
following short illnesses.
died January 12, 1937 and Nastia on February 16,1937.
Nick Jr. recalls a bitterly
cold funeral day, and he nearly froze running behind
the wagon. The custom was
for the body to be placed in a horse-drawn wagon while
mourners walked behind,
singing psalms. Both are laid to rest in the Kirilowka