This Page is Dedicated to the Memory Of
Avatar's Regal Invictus
Avatar's Regal Invictus
Get up!
Get up!
Time to go for a walk.
Don't you dare shut that door.
Do we hafta?
Bedhog Excellent
Anticipation of the chase
Pedigree for
Avatar's Regal Invictus
(December 9, 1983 - April 5, 1993)
At rest in the shade of tall evergreens.
Sire Ch. Crocs Blancs Ryker |
Sire Ch. Claire De Lune Astre C.D. |
Sire Star Nic of Ganymede |
Dam Ch. Crocs Blancs Marie Victorie C.D. |
Dam Caprice DiPicroudine |
Sire Camp. B. Caligo |
Dam Venise Del Lago Nero |
Dam Ch. Avatar's Regal Sari O'Sundown |
Sire Ch. Boegna Du Domaine Ponti |
Sire Ubac Du Parc De L'Hay |
Dam Lux. Ch. Zorka Du Clos Saint-Antoine |
Dam Ch. Shawnee's Sundown Jaida |
Sire Ch. Lancer's Midnight Majesty C.D. |
Dam Sair Zeeb |
This pedigree page was built for free at the SitStay GoOut Store
When my nephew Joshua was 7 he made this layered project using a picture of Victor.
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