Mother and Child WebRing

"A webring on adoptions"

The idea to making a ring on adoption has been a dream of mine for some time now. I hope to have many wonderful and informative sites available for those who are searching for help in finding their lost family members. It was also created to bring people who are affected by adoptions closer together.

This webring is open to all who are adopted, an adopted parent, birth parent, family members or friends of some that has anything to do with adoption.

There is two requirements to joining this webring on adoption.

*You need either a page or a link on adoption.

*You need to add one of the webring logos on your page, and also the webring HTML code. (The webring logo will tell people who visit your site if you're adopted, a birth parent, adoptive parent, or a supporter on adoptions.)

Click here to go to the webring logo page. LOGO

*Please tell me how you are affected by adoption (i.e. - adoptee, birth parent, adoptive parent, sibling of adoptee, friend, family member...)

If you are interested in joining please sign up below.

Submit site to Mother and Child WebRing

Site Title:
Site URL:

Please choose a password. (Don't forget it!!)
Keywords: Enter up to 20 keywords to describe your site.
Description: Enter a short description of your site.

Click here for HTML CODE.

This is how the HTML coding should look like after you're done.
Join Mother and Child WebRing
This Mother and Child Webring
website is owned
Moon Bebe .

If you are adopted or gave up a child, join the
Mother and Child Webring!

Mother and Child WebRing by: Moon Bebe
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Email RingMistress at:
To be added to the ring when HTML code is up on your page.

(URL, e-mail, site description, password, or delete),
Enter your site ID and password:
Site ID:

Enter your site ID# and have it mailed to you:
Site ID: