James Croft of Aysgarth, Yorkshire, England

Migration: Aysgarth, Yorkshire, ENG>NY>PA>VT>OH>IL>KS>OK>NE

Many thanks for the research and published book Jame Croft (1983) by Carol Dawn Croft. Research on Joseph Croft: Margaret Croft Zielinski.

Names associated thru marriage up to 1983 when this book was published. Due to space limitations, all of the following names will not be on this web page. Email me if you need information on a name:
-A- Ackerman, Adams, Adell, Albee, Allen, Althouse, Anderson, Andros, Ankenbrand, Antle, Antram, Appel, Arentse, Armstrong, Atkins, Atkinson, Austin, -B Bachand, Bailey, Bakker, Balding, Baldwin, Ball, Balsley, Bamberger, Barker, Barlow, Barnett, Barr, Barras, Bartolet, Barton, Baskin, Bates, Bates, Bauer, Baugh, Bauwens, Bavinton, Baxter, Bayer, Bayns, Beal, Bealty, Bear, Beardsley, Beasley, Beatty, Beckwith, Beechner, Bell, Bender, Bennet, Bennett, Benson, Benzel, Beranek, Betts, Biddle, Biegler, Bilby, Biles, Bishop, Blande, Blanks, Blasdel, Bliss, Bloomquist, Bobbitt, Bobeck, Bodine, Boehly, Bolton, Bonner, Booe, Borroughs, Boughton, Bouwman, Bowden, Bowman, Bradley, Bramman, Brann, Brantley, Brase, Breckenridge, Briges, Briggs, Brinker, Broaddus, Bronk, Brooks, Broomley, Brown, Bruce, Brumsey, Bryant, Buck, Buckingham, Buckman, Bungart, Burch, Burdick, Burgess, Burton, Burwell, Buskirk, Butler, Butterfield, -C- Cabral, Cafsick, Calvert, Calwaley, Campbell, Carcoran, Carleton, Carlon, Carrington, Carter, Cartwright, Carver, Cary, Cassell, Cawley, Chamberlain, Chambers, Chapman, Charlton, Charron, Christenson, Christophers, Ciaccia, Clark, Claussen, Clayton, Clement, Clifford, Coburn, Cockran, Coffelt, Coheen, Colburn, Cole, Comly, Connell, Constant, Conte, cooper, Carkhill, Corssen, Cossart, Cowgill, Cox, Cranfuey, Craven, Crawford, Crider, Crissep, Croasdale, Cross, Crum, Culp, Cumming, Cupps, Cusator, Cutler, Cypert, -D- Dancaster, Darge, Davidson, Davis, Dawson, Dean, Decoursey, Decow, Del Pickerling, Delany, Dent, Denton, Derry, Desmond, Deterich, Deyoe, Dickens, Dilworth, Dinsdale, Dirks, Dixon, Dodson, Doll, Dollarhide, Doran, Douglass, Dracon, Dracott, Drake, Drillon, Driver, Dudley, DuFrain, Dufur, Dugan, Dunford, Dunkan, Dunlap, Dunning, Dye, Dyer, Dykstra, -E- Earleywine, Eastburn, Ecklund, Edams, Eickstadt, Eleling, Eller, Elliott, Ellis, Ellison, Elmore, Ely, Ensign, Evans, Even, ewrard, -F- Fansler, Fawset, Fay, Fehrenbacher, felix, felten, fenner, fenoglio, field, fife, fink, finney, fischer, fish, fisher, fitschen, fleming, fletcher, forbes, fox, frame, frankton, frazier, frederickson, fryer, funk, furhman, -G- Gabriels, Gaston, Gazaway, Gazeau, Geracci, Gering, Gerring, Gibbs, Gibson, gick, giddings, gilmore, ginder, giroux, gish, glenn, glenton, Gobel, godown, gonder, gonterman, gonzalez, gorrel, gosline, goza, green, greene, gregg, grice, gridley, griffen, griffith, grimm, groome, grove, growdon, grubbs, guilloux, guse, guyer, gwendt, -H- hachmeister, hackney, hadden, hadds, haes, hafner, hafstrom, hainline, hale, hall, hallam, Hallan, hallen, halstead, hammill, hamilton, Hammel, hankins, hanna, hanson, harding, harold, harper, harr, harris, harrison, hart, hartman, hartwig, harvey, hauger, haworth, hayhurst, hazelton, headly, healey, healy, heartzel, heath, heathcote, heaton, hedges, hedrick, heertgens, heidelk, heisig, heizelman, helper, herbert, herrman, hertzig, hesham, hester, heston, hibbs, hibler, hicks, hiet, hilbert, hill, hillings, hillman, hise, hitchcock, hitchens, hitz, hoalton, hobart, hobbs, hodgson, hogg, holdridge, holland, hollister, Holmes, hommer, homsey, hoogson, hopper, hord, hornby, norner, hough, housley, howard, howell, hubbell, huff, hungerford, hurd, Hutchinson, -I- Iman, irmiger, irwin, jackson, Jacobs, jacobsen, jamison, janney, jans, jaudon, jeroue, johnson, jones, junker, jurks, -K- kamisky, kanosky, karek, karns, karr, jauzlarich, jaye, keller, kelly, keltner, kempher, kendall, kennedy, kensey, kent, kephart, kester, ketchum, kimball, king, kingston, kirkbank, kirkpatrick, kissinger, kline, knight, knoll, koistra, kozlowski, krantz, kraston, kroesen, kruntorad, kunkle, -L- laBeau, lacey, lafferty, lamb, lane, lange, langhorne, lantz, larkins, larson, larue, larzelene, lathrop, laughlin, law, lawrence, lawson, leCompt, leCounte, lee, Leeder, leedom, defforts, leonard, lesicko, lewis, lindgren, lindsley, linnartz, lippencob, livengood, livezly, livings, lockman, lockwood, loisae, loomis, longer, lovet, loyd, luff, lukehart, lukens, lundy, lunz, lynn, -M- macdonald, mackelenor, maddox, madero, maffary, magers, mahaffey, maher, mallaby, mallory, mann, marchand, markham, marsh, martin, martinez, maser, mason, masterson, watson, matzke, mayhew, mcCall, mcConnell, mcCown, mcCray, mcCrory, mcCuen, mcDaniel, mcGlathey, mcGrath, mcKeown, mcManis, McMIllen, McMorris, mcNamara, mcQuiston, mcWayne, Medlam, meehan, meek, mendez, merall, merrill, meyer, meyers, michling, miles, milkcell, miller, mills, milton, miskimins, mitchell, mize, m'Nair, monroe, montanus, mood, moor, moore, moravety, moreau, morefield, morgan, morland, morris, moss, muret, murphy, myers, -N- naylor, neal, nelson, nickels, Northrup, norton, -O- obannon, obermiller, ohlingschlager, olmstead, onderdonk, Ong, orrison, osborn, osborne, ostrom, otte, overholt, overind, overstolz, ovit, owen, owens, -P- pace, packard, parker, parks, parr, parry, parsibell, parsons, patrick, patterson, pazson, pearson, pemberton, pendergast, penington, penn, percival, perry, peter, peterson, pettyjohn, phillips, piatt, pickard, pierce, pifer, plewes, plowden, pluchard, plumley, plumstead, pogue, potts, poulson, Pounder, powers, praul, price, prutz, pugh, pulliam, puls, pursley, -Q- quignon, Quiram, -R- Radcliff, rain, rakestraw, ramey, ramp, randall, randquist, ranvau, raper, rapp, raw, ray, reafsnyder, rebholz, reed, redder, reidelbach, reim, remme, renolds, richardson, richmond, ridge, rift, Roberts, robertson, robidoux, robinson, rockwood, rodgers, rodriquez, roeder, roelofs, roelofsen, rogers, rolle, rorem, rose, rosenfield, rox, roy, ruble, rudd, rudger, ruff, rumford, runyon, rutan, -S- salmon, salsado, samuels, samuelson, sands, santen, sargent, sauer, sawyer, schaefer, scharlau, schon, schuster, schuyler, schwanderman, scott, searle, sebring, selle, sessions, seth, sexton, shaffnell, sharp, shaw, shearman, sheffer, sheloch, shields, shilts, shippen, shive, shumaker, shuman, sickel, silliman, simmons, simpson, sinclair, singer, singleton, skiles, skoff, slack, slater, smalley, smee, smith, sneath, snell, soderstrom, soper, sotcher, soule, osverns, spangler, spaulding, Spensley, spielman, stackhouse, staniford, starbuck, starks, States, steele, etevens, stevenson, stifer, stokesberry, stone, stout, strawn, strickler, struddles, stuart, stultraeger, sturm, sullivan, sutherland, sutherlin, sutphen, svob, swain, Swanson, swart, sweaney, sweeny, swift, swindle, swinehart, swinney, sympson, -T- Talbert, tantow, taylor, teague, Temple, Tennant, terrell, terry, tetrault, thackeray, thackery, thom, thompson, thornton, thwaite, titus, tomlinson, tornowski, touley, townsend, trench, tully, turner, twining, tympson, -U- ulmer, unruh, -V- vanartsdalen, vanBoskerk, vandegrift, vandine, vDyk, vanDyck, vanHorn, vanNamen, vanPolts, vansant, veath, veghten, velnetski, vensel, vermeulen, veteto, -W- Wadley, walker, walmsley, waln, walsh, walton, wanzer, ware, warner, warren, wasmer, wasson, waters, watson, watts, weber, welch, wechhans, welsh, wenkus, wetler, wenzlaff, wesley, wesner, west, wharton, wheeler, whinery, whipple, white, whittenburg, widmans, wieder, wiggins, wilkinson, willett, williams, willis, willoughby, wilson, wilson, wiseman, withers, wohleb, woitynek, wolf, wood, woods, woodworth, worthington, wrenn, wright, wriglesworth, -Y- yokum, young, youngs, -Z- zeedyk, ziegelgruber, ziegenbein, zielinshi, zigema, zucca

Due to the book mentioned above, I have extensive information.

To read this pedigree, print for easy reading. Follow the lines down under the male Croft to find children, grandchildren,etc. Under the female follow a line to her parents names. Surnames of those marrying Croft's are bold and in caps. "bp" stands for baptised. I start over a new pedigree with each of my male antecedents for the sake of sanity and space. THOSE BORN WITHIN THE LAST 70 YEARS WILL NOT HAVE THEIR DOB OR POB LISTED.

James Croft, whom we have little information on was born approx. 1720 or earlier; bd. in Aysgarth on Feb. 16, 1800; married on 26 Dec., 1751 to Margaret Temple (f. George Temple); bp. Mar. 2, 1722 in Aysgarth; bd. 1 Nov. 1784 in Aysgarth. James was a stone mason and their church was St. Andrew's and they had children: Margaret, James, George, Hannah and Michael.

1. James Croft/Margaret TEMPLE
___2. Margaret Croft, bp. 4-27-1755, bd. 10-3-1829; unmarried
___2. James Croft /Elizabeth HUTCHINSON (my GGGGG; see pedigree below)
___2. George Croft bp. 9-21-1759; bd.11-10-1779
___2. Hannah Croft /George TENNANT of Beapark; bp.4-29-1764; bd.3-21-1791;
______m. 10-2-1781 in ST. Andrew's. "G" b. 1749, bd. 1-6-1830
______3. George Tennant, bp. 2-2-1783
______3. James Tennant, bp. 12-11-1785 (middleham)
___2. Michael Croft /Eleanor SPENSLEY; (f. Simon Spensley, mo.Anne TEMPLE
______m. 1-29-1794 by Rich Johnson/ b.1767, bd. 12-17-1838; Aysgarth, "E" bp. 8-28-1774; bd. 3-27-1845l; Aysgarth
______3. Peggy Croft, bp. 5-15-1795
______3. Nancy Croft, bp. 7-22-1798
_________4. Simon Croft, bp. 4-29-1831
______3. Elizabeth Croft, bp. 6-14-1801; bd. 13-25-1802
______3. James Croft, bp. 11-25-1807; speculated that he came to US
______3. Simon Croft, bp. 2-26-1810; bd 5-8-1810
______3. Elizabeth Croft, bp. 1810
______3. Eleanor/Ellen Croft, bp 8-4-1811; bd. 1-28-1837
_________4.Elizabeth Croft, bp. 8-3-1828
______3. Hannah Croft, bp. 11-11-1817; bd. 1-28-1818
______3. Dorothy Croft, bp. 11-11-1817
_________m. 10-18-1851, widower, John HAMMELL, (f. John Pounder)

James Croft, (son of James/Margaret above) bp. 13 March, 1757 in Aysgarth; bd. somewhere in the US.; m. Jan. 9, 1786 to Elizabeth Hutchinson at St. Michaels Church in Spenithorne by Will Kirkbank. Elizabeth was b. Feb, 1759 in England; d. 7-3-1838; Egypt Cem., East Firfield, VT. (f. Joseph Hutchinson, mo. Eleanor MORLAND of Bellerby, m. 5-14-1758 at St. Michael's Church; children - Mary, Zenos, Enos and Elizabeth.) James also was a stone mason, lived in East Witton and most of the children baptised in St. Andrew's Church. This famiy immigrated to US in 1817 leaving behind Michael and Joseph's eldest son, James (with Morland family). Several members are buried in Egypt Cemetery, E. Fairfield, VT.

I am looking for decendants of Michael and Elizabeth Holmes who stayed in England.

2. James/Elizabeth HUTCHINSON
___3. Mary Croft, bp 8-5-1785 at St. Ella's, d. ?, no other records found
___3. Michael Croft /Elizabeth HOLMES, m. 3-5-1810.
______bp. 8-27-1786/d.?/ bp.01-01-1792 (Kirkheaten), d. 11-30-1859
______4. Elizabeth Croft /John SPENSLEY 1830 or Stephen SMITH in 1833
_________bp. 3-24-1811, d.?/ bp. ?, d.?
______4. Margaret Croft, bp. 10-10-1813, d. 9-12-1841 (possibly wrong)
______4. James Croft /Isabella RAW m. 11-25-1839; Aysgarth, bp. 8-03-1817, bd.?/bp. 6-17-1821, bd. 6-23-1850; Aysgarth
______4. Mary Croft, bp. 2-27-1819, bd. 1-23-1834
______4. John Croft /Ann MOOR m. 12-24-1844 (f. Richard Moor), bp. 4-22-1821, bd.?/bp. ?, bd. ?
______4. Michael Croft /Ann WILLIS (p. james and Mary Willis); m. 5-22-1852; Aysgarth , bp. 4-28-1823, bd. 11-9-1861; Aysgarth/ bp. 2-2-1827, bd. ?
______4. Joseph Croft /Bridget MALONEY
_________bp. 8-07-1825, bd. ?/ (br> _________5. James Croft / Mary Ann PICKWORTH
____________6. James Croft / Rose DRISCOLL
_______________7. Norman Croft / Phyllis BROWN
______4. Henry Croft, bp. 11-14-1828, bd.?
______4. Eleanor Croft /Chapman DINSDALE, m. 6-6-1859; Aysgarth, bp. 11-14-1828, d.?/bp.1-22-1821 (Askrigg), bd.?
______4. Sarah Croft, bp. 12-08-1835, bd. 12-24-1835 (age 5)
______4. Mary Croft, bp. 12-08-1835, bd. 8-03-1853
___3. Joseph/Nancy Ann CARTER, m. 7-16-1810 at St. Andrews
______bp. 12-25-1788, d. 11-14-1868 (VT)/ bp. 3-11-1792, d. 9-07-1852 (VT)
______4. James Croft, bp. 12-23-1810, bd. 4-09-1856, Aysgarth, did not come to US.
______4. Elizabeth Croft /Yewell COBURN, m. 6-10-1832 in Fairfield, VT
_________bp. 10-19-1814, d. 10-30-1878 (VT)/b. 1807, d. 1854 (VT)
______4. Margaret Croft, bp. 4-1820, d. 10-02-1863 in Fairfield, VT
______4. Joseph Croft /Pamela A. BUCK, (f. Lemon Buck), m. 11-19-1878
_________b. 9-27-1825(VT), d. 8-08-1880(VT)/ b. 2-17-1827(VT), d. 7-31-1877(VT)
_________m. Adalaide L. WOODWORTH JOHNSON
______4. John Wesley/Mary A. NORTHRUP,(f. Horatio Northrup/mo. Minerva BRADLEY m. 3-25-1855(VT) Civil War Vet
_________b. 1829, d. 8-05-1862(VT)/ b. 1837, d. 1-14-1869(VT)
___3. Margaret, bp. 5-5-1791; bd. 11-11-1794
___3. Margaret/Henry FISHER, m. 1830
_____ bp. 1-5-1795, d.?/ b.?, d.?
___3. Ellen Croft /Thomas BELL of Wensley, m. 11-27-1815 in St. Andrews
______bp. 5-11-1797, d. 9-22-1843(VT)/ b. 11-12-1784, d. 5-08-1844(VT)
______4. Thomas Bell /Cherlott MALLORY, m. 9-28-1845(VT)
_________b. 1821 Canada, d./ b. 1822, d. 1847, no children
_________m. Minerva ?, 1848/9
_________5. Thomas Bell, b. 1849(VT)
_________5. Joseph Bell, b. 1850
___3. James Croft /Lavina STATES (My GGGG; see pedigree below)
___3. Sarah Croft /Isaac STANIFORD, m. 3-24-1827 (VT)
______bp. 5-9-1805, d.?,/b. ? d.?
___3. Elizabeth Croft / (1)Andrew BRECKENRIDGE, m. 1835?, div.?,
______bp. 3-5-1809, d.? (PA)/ b.?, d.?
______4. Sarah Eley Breckenridge, b.12-05-1836, d. 3-08-1839
______remarried (2) ? STEELE
______4. child Steele

James Croft (son of James/Elizabeth); b. 10-18-1799; bp. 12-1-1799 at St. Andrew's Church; d. 10-26-1884; bd. Cumberland Cem., Marshall Co., IL came to the US with his parents at 18 years of age. James married a woman named Lucretia (1800-1821) and had a child named James (1821-1852), both deaths we don't know much about. James then m. 2nd wife, Lavina STATES 7-2-1826 in Bucks Co. PA; b. 2-27-1807 (PA); d. 5-16-1899, bd. Cumberland Cem.; (f. Abraham States; mo. Mary TERRY). They lived in Bucks, Co., PA until 1834 then Clinton Co., OH until 1844 then Marshall Co., IL. Lavina is part Dutch and English, her family immigrating to US over 100 years before; living in Albany and Long Island with roots in the Dutch Reformed Church and the Friends (first settlers in PA).

3. James/Lavina STATES
___4. Esther Croft, b. 1827/28 (PA), d. 1827/28
___4. Benjamin Hutcheson Croft /Euphemia BECKWITH (GGG, see pedigree below)
___4. Sarah Ann Croft /? Roberts, unknown if married, but 1850 if so.
______b. 10-16-1830 (PA), d. 3-18-1867, Cumberland Cem. (IL)
______5. Theodore Croft, b. 6-27-1851, d.2-25-1923, Cumberland Cem
___4. Lucretia Croft /Jesse R. ONG, m. 12-18-1855 in Lacon, PA, div. 1873
______b. 10-1832 (PA), d. 8-1-1903(CO)/b.1834, d.?
______5. James Arthur Ong (f. Wm. L. Roberts, gf. Livingston Roberts, gmo. Margaret DENT), b. 6-01-1851, d.5-16-1928, adopted by Jesse
_________m. Clara Jane BISHOP, 10-16-1873, Varna, IL (f. James Bishop, mo. Mary Dawson)
_________6. Maude E. Ong, b. 11-23-1874, d.
_________6. Nellie G. Ong, b. 11-23-1877, d.
_________6. Blanche L. Ong, b. 9-15-1879, d.
_________6. Harriet M. Ong, b. 12-21-1881, d.
_________6. Bernice Ong, b. 5-10-1884, d.
_________6. James Raymond Ong, b. 4-17-1889, d.
______5. Harriet C. Ong b. 7-31-1858, d. 9-07-1858
______5. Abraham C. Ong / Emily Emma SWIFT, m. 12-11-1894 (CO)
_________b. 10-15-1859, d.4-14-1931 / b. 1-29-1864, d. 5-30-1944
_________6. Geo. A. Ong, b. 10-06-1898
______5. Emma Ong, b. 4-1870-, d.?, no info.
___4. Mary Louisa Croft /Wm. J. ONG, (f. Jesse Ong, mo. Elizabeth KENDALL, m. 3-16-1858
______b. 1-7-1835 (Cinn., OH), d. 2-1-1927(Cumberland Cem./ b. 4-09-1835(PA), d. 2-16-1904(Varna,IL)
______5. James Croft Ong, b. 11-24-1857, d.
______5. Thomas Jefferson Ong, b. 3-07-1860, d.
______5. Clara Bell Ong, b. 5-31-1861, d.
______5. Clarence Ong, b. 1863, d.
______5. Charles Ong, b. 10-22-1866, d.
______5. Cora Bell Ong, b. 12-22-1872, d.
___4. Abraham "Abram" Croft, b. 7-14-1837 (OH), d. 6-28-1916,
______m. (1) Mary Eliza DORAN, 12-31-1864. b. 5-31-1842, d. 3-26-1873 w/ infant.
______m. (2) Isabella E. McMILLEN, 12-25-1878; b. 4-21-1850, d. 6-13-1881 w/ infant.
______m. (3) Ella G. GASTON, 12-24-1888, b. 1-16-1861; d. 4-17-1901
______m. (4) Mary H. DANCASTER, 1909, b. 11-21-1872; d. 5-14-1961
_________Mary remarried Malcolm L. McQuiston, but is buried in Croft masoleum.
___4. Esther R. "Hester Beck" Croft, b. 11-11-1839 (OH), d. 9-23-1920
___4. Elizabeth E. Croft / Salathiel HALLAM, 2-24-1870
______b. 3-10-1842 (OH), d. 9-8-1916 / b. 12-22-1830; d. 11-27-1904
__ 4. Marshall Croft /Viola J. DRAKE, 12-25-1876
_____ b. 4-19-1845 (IL), d. 10-17-1936 (NE)/ b. 11-01-1851; d. 2-28-1923
______5. Charles Raymond Croft / Ada Louise RAY, m. 4-15-1900 (NE)
________ b. 2-08-1880, d. 6-24-1964 / b. 11-06-1879; d. 7-30-1971
_________6. Ray Marshall Croft / Mary Emily LANTZ, m. 9-05-1924
____________b. 6-13-1902, d. 9-17-1962 / b. 10-28-1899, d. 1-31-1980
____________7. Mary Lou Croft / Jack H. CAMPBELL, m. 8-06-1960
_______________8. Thomas James Campbell
_______________8. Steven Ray Campbell
____________7. John Robert Croft / Yvette MARCHAND, m. 4-19-1966
_______________8. Kim Marie Croft

Benjamin (aka Hutcheson, Hutchinson, Hutchison, son of James/Lavina Croft), b. 9-7-1818; d. 3-7-1878, bd. Cumberland cem., Marshall Co., IL. m. 12-22-1850 in IL. to Euphemia R. b. 12-22-1832 in Boone Co., KY, d. 4-8-1913, bd. cumberland cem. (f. Samuel Beckwith, mo. Lydia GRIDLEY). Euphemia's family came to Marshall Co. 1833/34 from New York state and is also our link to Edward Fuller - a Mayflower passenger; her GG, Tim Percival, was a Capt. in the Revolutionary War; her grandfather, Asahel Gridley also in Rev. War; her father was in the War of 1812; her uncle, Asahel Gridley has a statue at the courthouse in McLean Co. IL. Farmer and partner of a bank in Wenona, IL (a cornerstone in the bank building bares his name). Benjamin owned between 1200-1400 acres of land near Wenona, IL.

Benjamin Hutcheson/Euphemia BECKWITH- (Mayflower link)
|__Samuel Mortimer/Sarah Eleanor FORBES (My GG, see pedigree below)
|__Mary L., b. 7-21-1852, d. 9-1-1861
|__Emma, b. 1-27-1855, d. 5-6-1944
|__Julia A., b. 12-15-1858/59, d. 7-26-1910
|__James H., b. 8-21-1860, d. 8-15-1934

Samuel Mortimer Croft, b. 7-5-1851 (IL), d. 2-17-1915, bd. Forest Park Cem. Anthony,KS, m. 12-31-1871 to Sarah E. "Nellie" FORBES, b. 4-21-1853 Lacon, IL, d. 6-6-1940, bd Forest Park. (f. Peter Forbes, mo. Sarah BUCKINGHAM). The Forbes had moved to IL in 1830 from N.C. and the Buckingham's in 1832 from Greene Co., PA. They lived in Henry, IL owning a butcher shop with Nellies brother, Issac M. Forbes. In 1889 they packed their possesions into 9 railcars and moved to Bluff City, KS.

Samuel Mortimer/Sarah Eleanor FORBES
|__Bernice, b. 10-5-1872, d. 10-27-1873
|__Beryl S., b. 2-5-1874, d.
|__Hutchinson/ Jeanette Anna GONDER (my GGrandfather, see pedigree below)
|__Guy, b. 2-28-1877, d.
|__James C., b. 12-4-1878, d.
|__Euphemia, b. 9-12-1880, d.

Hutchinson Croft (son of Samuel/Sarah), b. 10-18-1875 (IL), d. 8-13-1960, bd. Forest Park cem. Anthony,KS; m. 9-29-1902 to Jeanette A. "Nettie" GONDER, b. 7-19-1884 (AR), d. 6-8-1940, bd. Forest Park cem.; (f. Christ Gonder, mo. Marie KRANTZ ((remarried to John Peter))). The Krantz's (a forester) came from Berlin to Hot Springs, AR. Christ Gonder (soldier/shoemaker) from France where he'd served in French Army during Franco-Prussian War also joined Co. "C", 8th Calvary in 1875-77; Chicago. They lived in Anthony, KS til 1930's then Harper Co., OK. After Nettie's death, Hutch lived in Pond Creek, OK.

Hutchinson/Jeanette Anna GONDER
|__Arthur Harry Croft / Margaret DUDLEY (my Grandfather, see pedigree below)
|__Hutchinson Olin Croft, b. 9-16-1905 (KS), d. died 10-30-1986 in San Antonio, TX
|__Nellie Katherine Croft / Ira "Ike" Frank BURWELL, m. 1926, lived in Dighten, KS and buried Beeler Cemetery, Beeler, KS, ___b. 7-21-1910(KS), d. 11-27-2002(KS) / b. 12-10-1910(KS), d. 10-27-2002

Arthur Harry Croft (son of Hutchinson/Jeanette), (b. 9-15-1903, Anthony, KS; d. 7-08-1996 in Ann Arbor, MI). m. 6-16-1932 in Papillion, NE to Margaret Ruth DUDLEY, (b. 7-30-1905, DeWitt, NE; d. 6-30-1996, Big Rapids, MI), f. George Wilford Guy Dudley, mo. LaVerna May Wiggins. Arthur moved from KS to Lincoln to attend University of NE; attaining a B.S. and M.B.A. in Business, the latter thanks to a scholarship thru the retail store Miller & Payne. His first job after college was in Omaha at Swift & Company meat packing doing time and motion studies then he was hired as an accountant with the Union Pacific Stage Lines which became Overland Greyhound. He also taught accounting part-time at Omaha University (which became UNO) and owned Croft Photo Service. He worked there until 1956 when his family (minus son, Arthur) moved to Big Rapids, MI where he worked as professor at Ferris State College, retiring in 1971.

Margaret was educated with a B.A. at Nebraska Wesleyan University (1927), she was substitute teacher at Ralston Public Schools and taught High School taught English, French and Latin in Loup City, NE, Bellevue High School (1944-57), and Reed City, MI High School (1957-70).

Arthur H./Margaret DUDLEY
___5. Arthur Ronald Croft / Geraldine A. WELSH,
___5. Margaret Ruth Croft (Peg), no marriage/children
___5. Dorothy Jean Croft / Lewis KEMPHER
______6. Deborah Lynn / (1) Larry Alan HEATH, div. ;
______remarried (2) David JohnBROWN, no children
______6. David Lewis Kempher / Suzanne Kay SHEAR
_________7. Stacy Jean Kempher
_________7. Jennifer Kay Kempher

Arthur Ronald Croft (son of Arthur/Margaret),), survives today; m. Geraldine "Jeri" A. WELSH, , survives today; (f. Joseph W. Welsh, mo. Rose M. KARELS). The Welsh family story can be reached by returning to the homepage and selecting the Welsh button. Art aka "Ronnie" was raised in Ralston, NE and attended Omaha University (now UNO) (B.S. in Business) and UNL (DDS).

___5. Arthur Ronald Croft / Geraldine A. WELSH,
______6. Arthur Ronald Croft / Annetta SAMUELSEN, div. 1991
_________7. Barry Croft
____________8. Nickolas Lynn Croft, mo. Jennifer BIRDSLEY
_________7. Andrea Croft
_________7. Sara Croft
_________7. Jenna Croft
______6. Mark Allen Croft, no marriage/children
______6. Rhonda Lyn nka Ronni /(1) David WELSH, div. 1886;
_________7. Melissa Welsh
_________Ronni remarried (2) Mark FRAZER, m. 1986, div. 1990;
_________7. Amanda Frazer
_________Ronni remarried (3) Timothy HOUTZER, 6-17-1991
_________7. Brandon Nathaniel Croft Houtzer
_________7. Laura Rose Croft Houtzer
_________7. Leah Isabella Croft Houtzer