Welcome to The Prince Rupert Community Enrichment Society Guestbook!

sabrina jenkins - 10/29/00 16:53:24
My Email:jenkinssab@aol.com

im writing on behalf of a rehab client that i work with thats in a rehab program could you please give me some imformation on her objective. this is her objective carolyn will be taught to improve her ability to relate with others and under stand strangers.

sabrina jenkins - 10/29/00 16:53:13
My Email:jenkinssab@aol.com

im writing on behalf of a rehab client that i work with thats in a rehab program could you please give me some imformation on her objective. this is her objective carolyn will be taught to improve her ability to relate with others and under stand stranger .

sabrina jenkins - 10/29/00 16:52:15
My Email:jenkinssab@aol.com

im writing on behalf of a rehab client that i work with thats in a rehab program could you please give me some imformation on her objective. this is her objective carolyn will be taught to improve her ability to relate with others and under stand stranger .

Peter Paul Harnisch - 08/21/00 22:34:03
My Email:ppharnisch@direct.ca

Former director of "The Edge". Hello from Vancouver. Hope all is going well. All the best. Peter

Vanessa - 05/22/00 17:59:58
My Email:prces@citytel.net

It rocks, but what about some pictures of staff members? That would really rock, like Sue rocks. V.

scott dunlop - 10/14/99 02:25:38
My Email:sdu8653442@aol.com

This is good! Keep up the good work and info

Glen Anderson - 09/16/99 22:49:03
My Email:Cadbury@sunwave.net

I came across this site looking for the Hecate Strait Employment Development Society. I recognized the Nobodies Perfect and wondered if Amanda was still there. If she is hope she's doing well and hello. Thnx.

Fred Farkle - 07/26/99 04:14:28
My Email:f4redfarlkel@rocketmail.com

Fanny Farkle finked a furk of fikkled feppers!

Cheryl - 02/23/99 03:01:24

You do a great service in this city.

sue - 11/19/98 03:46:08
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/PrinceRupert1/index.html
My Email:srowse@kaien.com

Nice site, if I do say so myself. I have linked from the Prince Rupert Virtual City (URL above) and also the Community Access Center http:geocities.com/TimesSquare/Chamber/3565 Hope you get lots of "hits" Brenda P.!

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