Jessica is
now 16. She just recently passed her drivers test. She is in the 11 grade
and is an honor student. She is currently uncertain what she wishes to
take up in college. I told her the sky is the limit. She does excel in
Spanish and has considered possibly being a teacher. She also loves to
write and thinks maybe journalism. She is active with the band and has
played a trumpet since 4th grade.
Jamie is
now 12. She is in 6 grade and is an honor student. She says she wants to
be a nurse "like Mom" when she grows up, but I told her with her brain
, she can go be the Doctor and hire Mom to work in her office. How is that
for job security : )
Again, we
told her the sky is the limit. She, too, plays an instrument. She plays
the alto sax and is in the elementary band.
There has
been so many changes with the girls in past 3 months, that I find it hard
to keep up with. I think the biggest of all was Jessica getting her drivers
license. Also, being in 11th grade, we are looking at class rings - planning
classes and possible colleges to apply for. She is also hankering after
us for permission to get an after school job. The job is up for discussion
at a later date.
I think back
over the years and it surprises me in ways, as to how fast they seemed
to go by.
Seems like
yesterday they were toddlers and we were thinking how nice it would be
when they were near grown. Now that they are near grown, I sit and remember
them as little girls.....
Jessica was
our active child. Constantly on the go. Never took the time to crawl
She just took
off walking at 10 months and has been going since. Used to climb onto counters
and walk across the little edge in front of sink to get into the treats.
We had a 4 foot fence installed, but that didn't stop her. I could be going
to bathroom and she would be out the door ~ over the fence ~ and on her
way. LOL- ~ told her a few weeks ago that was the reason we have chain
locks high up on all our doors.
We got her
Fisher Price roller skates when she was two. That added to her speed. Roller
skates were like shoes to her. She would run and climb in them. Used to
half scare the neighbors, until they realised that to Jess, they were shoes.
LOL ~ even would climb the old chestnut tree behind our house in them.
Just before
she turned 7 I got a call from my Mom. Jess fell out of the tree. She had
a "hole" in her ankle. I cleaned it, but took her to the local ER to be
doubled check. She told the Doc it was the flip flop fault. She was wearing
flip flops and carrying toys up the tree in her arms, when the one flop
fell off. LOL- carrying the toys had nothing to do with it. She has a slight
scar from that. The nurse told her little girls don't climb trees ~ the
Doc said she could climb trees but to wear sneakers and carry toys in backpack.
LOL ~ should have seen Doc's face when mentioned she normally climb with
roller skates on.
It was a
sad day when the snow in 1994 damaged the tree and we had to have it cut
down. She spent hours in that tree reading and what not. The one neighbor
said she loved watching her lay in the top of the tree with a book. She
could sit ~sipping coffee ~ and watch Jess from her kitchen table. Jess
has had some more bumps over the years, but none to compare to that fall,
except possibly the fall off our front porch roof , during the Blizzard
'92, however, no injuries there. Just scared the wits out of man across
the street.
has her own sense of fashion. Wears what she liked and could care less
what others are wearing. Changes her hair style frequently. She has always
kept us on our toes, but overall we have been fortuanate that she has not
given us a lot of problems behavior wise. Seems to have a good head on
her shoulder. Hope she stays that way :)
Where Jess
was active, Jamie was the bookworm. I think alot of that had to do with
her having asthma since she was 6 months old. She spent alot of time for
the first 3-4 years sick. About 3 months before the above picture was taken,
we came closer than I care to think, in losing her. I will always be thankful
for her then pediatrician, Dr. Bacchus, that we still have her. I remember
trying to come to terms that if she didn't soon gain strength and get the
asthma under control, we could lose her. I tried to prepare myself, but
as my husband and I found, there is no way one can ever prepare for that.
Thankfully, we got her health under control and she does good. She uses
an inhaler occassionally now. We were told as an adult, she may end up
having to go back on meds full time.
Through all
of this, we found she was extremely farsighted. She started to wear glasses
since shortly after the above picture. She deals well with them. Lenses
are thick and makes eyes big, but to Jamie, she doesn't remember what it
is like not to have to wear them. Her one eye turns inward when takes glasses
off. If she notes someone looking, she will explain why and answer your
questions. Jamie is one full of questions and never satisfied with the
"just because" or what not.
LOL ` not
the climber Jess was. Remember Jess trying to teach her to climb the tree.
Jamie was holding onto dear life on bottom branch saying "Jessie do you
want me to kill myself". She did learn to roller skate and ride her bike,
but Jamie excels on the computer, schoolwork etc. Jess is the quiet one.
Jamie can out talk me : )
fondest memory of the two together is
When Jess
was 7 and Jamie was 3. They were in the bathroom, brushing their teeth.
Jess perched on the edge of sink, Jamie standing on the heat register so
she could reach. Jamie was foaming at the mouth with toothpaste. She looks
up at Jess and says - "Jessie - you are my hero" Jess bent down and hugged
her sister.
If I don't
remember any other tender moments between two sisters ~ I will always remember
that and thinking ~ how did I get so lucky ?
in the poodle skirt, was taken when she was in 6th grade. She had a solo
in the chorus concert. She sang "Hero". The outfit was in keeping with
another song/dance that she had a part in.
My youngest
daughter, Jamie, is excited about this webpage. She has numerous ideas
for children links. I told her after I get some of the basics, we will
need to see about adding children links. Jamie was first introduced to
computers in her school. She started on them during her kindergarten year.
LOL- she is the one who taught Mom and Dad how to turn this thing on and
use the mouse.
Jessica was
introduced to computers during grade 5. She has taken computer classes
through her school. This year, I noticed she is working more with the word
processor part. We use Corel on our home computer.
To my daughters:
Jessica and
You have both
brought Dad and I more love and joy, than you probably will ever know.
We have never
regretted having either of you. Life would not be the same. We have been
proud of how you have grown. I doubt there would ever be enough words
to cover our love for you.
As you continue
to grow and all too soon leave to follow your own separate roads, know
that we are always here for you. Never feel you can not come to us.
Dream your
dreams ~ set your goals high ~ you can reach for the sky and accomplish
much as long as you believe in yourself and have faith.
As we told
you in the past ~ life is not always fair ~ there will always be ups and
downs, but have faith that all will work out in the end.
my favorite quote : God grant me the serenity to accept the things I can
not change ~ courage to change the things I can ~ and the wisdom to know
the difference.
Also ~ remember
to take time to give of yourself to others in need. You have always been
good about helping me with our surrogate family members ~ "always enough
love to add one more"
I will end
this page here ~ ok for you girls to mumble "How could you Mom ` this is
embarrassing". LOL ~ only because I love you !!!!