Here are alot of
the midis I used on my other pages and more.
Some I found searching
numerous sites and others were sent
by some of my cyberpals
: )
To the best of my knowledge, the graphics and
used here are of public domain and were advertised
as available
to the public for free use. If anyone claiming ownership
or copyrights
to any of the graphics or midis and would like
removed, please notify me and I will promptly remove or
credit where cridt is due. I have tried to provide credit
I was able. This site is for enjoyment only.
Hope you enjoy them.
~ Music touches
feelings that words cannot.
It is the melody
of the heart,
the voice of the
Some music causes
me to dream.
Some music
inspires me to create.
Some music causes
me to think of the past.
Some music helps
me plan the future.~
By Susan Polis