Philipsburg - Osceola Area High School

Class of 2000

"Tomorrow is waiting for dreams to be dreamed, goals to be reached ~
Tomorrow is waiting for me. "

author unknown



1987 ~ 1988

Jessica ~ it was so hard to send you off to school that first day. Even harder was having you come home and asking "why some kid made fun of other kids?" Before school, we were able to keep you world on a happy keel where all got along and everyone liked each other.  You were beginning to see that that was not so and had to learn to live in a world where all wasn't nice. You  had to learn on your own which way you wanted to live your life. Do you drop all your friends so you can keep this one girl as your friend or do you drop her. My heart swelled when you decided you would rather have a slew of friends instead of just one. One of your first decision of many to come that has made you who you are today.

First Grade

1988 ~ 1989
You were still the "little peacemaker" of your class. The teacher told me you was always telling kids it wasn't nice to make fun of others.  I think my fondest memory of first grade was you square dancing with your Dad :) You were and still are Daddy's little girl.

Second Grade

1989 ~ 1990
A year with a few changes in  it. This was the year we found out that you had a slight learning disability . Luckily, you had a teacher that set the pace for the rest of your school years. I also look at this picture and chuckle ~ remembering you cut your own hair 3 days before pictures. LOL- remember a few parents coming up to Dad and I and telling us that their daughters wanted cuts just like this one.

Third Grade

1990 ~ 1991
I look at this picture and marvel at what a wonderful job your orthodontist done. You also had your first perm. LOL- it would be years before I agreed to "red hair"

Fourth Grade

1991 ~ 1992
The orthodontist decided to give you a few brackets and straighten you teeth a little. Kate gave you another perm. Still no red hair :) You started to take lessons on your trumpet. Grandma was so proud that you were playing my old trumpet.  You began to show signs of liking to write. We wondered if a future journalist was budding. LOL- I remember when your friends called you would set and read the encyclopedias to them :)

Fifth Grade

1992 ~ 1993
You and Kate decided enough with the perms for now. You started to show signs of your very own fashion sense. At that you always did. I think it was 1/2 way through 3rd grade when you finally agreed to wear pants to school. Even now you don't care what others wear - you have your own style.

Sixth Grade

1993 ~ 1994
A big six grader now  ~ Mom and Dad finding it hard to believe that our little girl would be heading off to junior high.  You still love to read and right your own short stories. This was also the year you sang a solo in Chorus. I remember you wearing a poodle skirt and saddles shoes and singing "Hero"

Seventh grade

1994 ~ 1995
I remember this hair style ~ I honestly think you thought the world came to an end. You cried so hard when the new stylist botched your hair and all we could do is hug you and assure you it would grow back. I imagine that was hard on top of starting Junior high at a new school with other kids you haven't met before.

Eighth Grade

1995 ~ 1996
See  ~ we told you the hair would grow out. This was the year we started letting you go out with friends. I remember telling you that if someone asked you to do something and all you could think is if I do and Mom and Dad finds out they will be mad to take that as a sign not to do it.

Ninth Grade

1996 ~ 1997
Your first year at the senior high. Your first boyfriend. Started your first Spanish class.

Tenth Grade

1997 ~ 1998
You dropped the boyfriend and became more involved in activities at school and with your studies.

Eleventh Grade

1998 ~ 1999
You found out by working hard you can move up  through the ranks of you class. You also found you can accomplish that and still have time for school activities and a boyfriend. Started to think of college. Do we want to be a journalist. We like writing. We like literature. Of course we like music, so maybe a music teacher, but  then again your Spanish teacher feels whatever you do you should keep up the Spanish. decisions to make that will impact the rest of your life.
You finished up you Junior year at number 13  of your class.
You were also inducted into the National Honor Society and the National Spanish Honor Society.


1999 ~ 2000
And after much fretting and what not, the decision is made  ~
to  attend Clarion University and major in Spanish Education K-12.


I started to work on this page a little over two months ago. Trying to think of a way to make it as special as you are. Trying to highlight your years of school. I never dreamed it would be so hard. So hard to sum it in a few words. I finally decided to put a note with each picture and then finish it with a letter instead. Yep ~ another one of those how could you "LOL- because I am your Mom"

I look at you today and my heart swell with love and pride. My eyes fill with tears of joy and yes - a little sadness. My beautiful baby has grown into a beautiful young woman ~ spreading her wings and preparing to fly. The hardest part is knowing that we have to let you take flight ~ explore life away from us and discover all that it has to offer.

The past year preparing for your upcoming graduation, applying for admission to colleges, deciding on what your major will be have been exciting, but it often leaves me sitting ~ thinking back to the baby I held in my arms at a window in a hospital, telling her the world is yours. I also wonder what would you think of this world ~ this life. I hoped it would be good to you.

I remember the small child I held at times singing "on the day you were born the angels got together and decided to create a dream come true" I remember often telling you to set your goals high ~ the sky is the limit ~ as long as you believe in yourself and are willing to work hard all goals can be met.

Jessica ~ to us ~ you are a dream come true. You have developed good morals and high standards for yourself. You have never gave us any  problems. You are sensitive and caring to others.

You worked hard to get to where you are today. You overcame a few learning problems to excel in your academics. Take pride in the awards and honors you have received ~ you worked for them.
Continue to take pride in your services to others.

As you continue your schooling to achieve your goals, take time to remember the little girl who was always climbing the nearest tree ~ sitting in it to read a book. Put on the roller skates and go for a spin. Remember to sit with family and friends and crack up ~ laughter can be one of the best medicine.

Remember with good times ~ there are sometimes the "bad times" , when you feel the world is weighing you down. Remember you are never alone. God watches over us all and he never gives us more than we can handle and with each rough period there is always a blessing at the end - we just sometimes have to look deep to find it, but it is usually there.
Above all , remember Dad and I are always here for you, as well as the rest of the family. Never feel you can not come to us at any given time.

Ok ~ Mom will get off the "lectures' ~ oops :)  one more ~ remember "if someone asks you to do something and your first thought is Mom and Dad would not be happy if they knew about it ~ that is your sign that it is probably something you should not do :)" OK - I am done now.

Seriously, Jessica, Dad and I feel in our hearts you are prepared to go out and take the world "by it's tail".

Jessica ~ you have been such a blessing to us and we thank God for you and your sister.

"flap your wings" and prepare to soar ~ the sky is the limit ~ and the world is yours.
Our love will be the wind that carries you.

With all my love,
