Destiny Hills Ranch, Athens, TX, Ron and Colleen Cates, McCurdy
Plantation Horses
Destiny Hills Ranch
Athens, TX
home of the
McCurdy Plantation Horse
and Pinzgauer Cattle of Texas
Destiny Hills Ranch is owned and managed
by Ron and Colleen Cates. They would like to welcome you and invite
you in for a visit. Take your time exploring the ranch, taking a
look at the babies and visiting the stallions.
McCurdy's Confederate Jasmine
Ridden Side Saddle Sept 2005
The first McCurdys were brought to Texas
in 1996 by Colleen and Ron Cates, who had lived in Lowndesboro, Alabama
for 6 years. "It is like a chapter from Gone With The Wind," says
Colleen of the picturesque town of 200 residents and four antebellum
churches, which was spared from destruction by Wilson's Raiders during the
Civil War.
The Cates developed an
appreciation and love for the breed as a result of their friendship
with the McCurdy family, and by field trialing extensively in
Central Alabama. They observed the disposition, strength,
stamina, and gait of the McCurdy horses ridden by many veteran
field-trialers and dog handlers.
Ron and Colleen would love
for you to come and ride any of the horses for yourself, or just
visit and learn more about gaited horses.
3 yr old gelding
son of "Ragin' Cajun"
at Fall 2008 McCurdy Tail Ride
L to R---Raleigh Shea Cates, astride
McCurdy's Diamond Rio,
and Josh Hardy, US Marine,
astride McC. Ragin' Cajun, June 2008
Destiny Hills Ranch is proud of their
stallion "McCurdy's Ragin' Cajun"