Destiny Hills Ranch

"Big Red" at 25 years old

The McCurdy Plantation Horse Breed was developed by the McCurdy family of Lowndesboro, Lowndes County, Alabama, in the late 1800s and the early 1900s.  The McCurdy family were plantation owners, and needed good, durable horses to oversee and work the land.  When the Tennessee Walking Horse Registry was established in the early 1930's, the McCurdy family registered their own horses as Tennessee Walking Horses (indeed, several McCurdy-bred horses are in the original Foundation registry of the Tennessee Walking Horse).  Over time, as their reputation and prominence grew, others began breeding their stock to McCurdy family horses.  There thus developed in Lowndes County and throughout Central Alabama a breed known simply as the McCurdys, or McCurdy Walkers.


Plantation-era people needed a horse that was versatile in use, comfortable to ride, of calm disposition, and dependable.  The early McCurdy horses filled this need in every respect - they were often ridden 30-40 miles a day to oversee the plantation work or into town, hitched to a wagon, plow, or buggy, herd livestock, fox hunt, and transport children safely to school.

McCurdy Plantation Horses have a very calm, easy-going temperament that makes them unequaled as personal and family horses.  They excel at many tasks such as trail riding, field trialing, driving and working livestock.  Back in the days when horses were the primary mode of transportation, McCurdy's were especially noted for their endurance and stamina.

Many McCurdy Horses are known to have natural "cow-savvy" or cow herding instincts.  Many have excellent dispositions for children or novices to begin their riding experience.  Their calm dispositions, combined with an easy, comfortable gait produces enjoyment and confidence in riders that result in life-long love affairs with horses.


McCurdy Plantation Horses are naturally gaited, and usually require little training.  They can be ridden without shoes, or just a regular keg horseshoe.  A balanced natural foot works best.  Their natural saddle gait is commonly referred to as "the McCurdy lick."  It is a straight forward, lateral, four-beat, single footing type gait that is extremely smooth.  They also perform the flat walk and running walk, and many will perform the rack.  In different regions of the country where these horses have come to be known, the "McCurdy lick" gaits have been referred to locally in varying terms, such as "saddling", "racking" and "single-footing".  In all cases, it is a very smooth, comfortable gait that literally can be ridden all day without rider fatigue.  Newborn foals can perform the gait naturally from birth, and can be seen "hitting the lick" as they hurry to keep alongside their dam.

McCurdy Plantation Horse Registry and Association

In 1993, the McCurdy Plantation Horse Association was formed on an informal basis to bring together owners and fanciers of the old-time McCurdy Plantation Horse.  In 1995, the McCurdy Planation Horse Registry was founded for the pupose of registering horses of known McCurdy ancestry that meet the breed standards.  Also, the McCurdy Plantation Horse Association was incorporated to assure that there would be an ongoing organization to promote the attributes of this historic breed.

For information:
Ed S. McCurdy, Jr.
1020 Houston Park
Selma, Alabama  36701
  A tribute to Big Red.  Read about Big Red's life.
  The Selma Times Newspaper  Read about the McCurdy 1999 ride
Destiny Hills Ranch
the McCurdy Plantation Horse
Horses for sale
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