Daniel Webster Council, BSA
joins Troop 272, his parents receive a Parents Handout, which gives an overview of Troop operations. In this
handout are a number of items that briefly discuss what the Troop
expects of a Scout in terms of his behavior, uniform, and
responsible to any, or all, of the following - his Patrol, Patrol
Leader, Assistant Patrol Leader, Senior Patrol Leader, Assistant
Senior Patrol Leader, other boy leaders, Assistant Scoutmasters,
Scoutmaster, and all members of the Troop Committee. If a boy
feels that a problem is being handled unfairly or he is not being
listened to, he should speak with the next level of leadership,
if necessary progressing all the way up to the Scoutmaster.
BEHAVIOR: Every Scout is
expected to behave appropriately at all Scout functions.
GENERAL: Behavior problems can be either
discipline or attitude related. We try to handle most behavior
problems within the Troop structure, but there are times when we
will contact parents about a problem. These times may include
incidents that we feel are too serious to deal with on a Troop
level, or repeated occurrences of the same problem. At those
times we will contact the Scout's parents to have them discuss
the problem with us. On campouts or other non-meeting events the
parents may be called and told to come and take their son home. At Troop meetings, Senior Patrol Leader and the Patrol Leaders
Council will handle discipline problems to the best of its
ability. Parents will only be contacted if they are unable to
resolve the problem or if it happens frequently. If the problem
is deemed serious enough (a fight, for example), the parents will
be called immediately to come and get their son. In the most
extreme instances, actions will be taken to remove a Scout from
Troop 272. The general rules of the Troop are the Scout Law and
the Scout Oath. The Scout Oath is: "On my honor, I will do
my best: to do my duty to God and my country, to obey the Scout
Law, to help other people at all times, to keep myself physically
strong, mentally awake, and morally straight." The Scout Law
is: "A Scout is: Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful, Friendly,
Courteous, Kind, Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty, Brave, Clean, and
Reverent." (For full explanations of the parts of the Scout
Oath and Law, see the Boy Scout Handbook. Beyond that, we
also have some behavior guidelines for both meetings and campouts.
AT TROOP MEETINGS: The leadership of
Troop 272 tries to provide safe, fun, and educational Troop
meetings every week. Every Scout is asked to observe the
following for the good of all members:
- Be on time: Troop meetings start promptly
at 7:00 PM which means that you are in your patrol line,
quiet, and ready to start at that time.
- Participate in every activity offered to
you. If you don't like an activity, you need to contact
your Patrol Leader (PL) and let him know so your voice
will be heard in the Patrol Leader Council (PLC).
- Be attentive, which means pay attention to
the Senior Patrol Leader (SPL), your Patrol Leader,
program instructors, and adult leaders.
- Be cooperative. If asked to do something (within
reason), do it. If asked not to do something, don't do it.
- Don't harass or hassle other Scouts, adult
leaders, or instructors.
- Unless you have specific permission, do
not touch, use, or take anything that does not belong to
you (other people's stuff).
- Bring only Scout or meeting program-related
items with you to Troop meetings. Trading cards, toys,
games, radios, and other non-Scout items are not allowed
and if they are brought to Troop meetings, you will be
removed from them for the duration of the meeting.
We also must remember that we are guests in the
church building and are only permitted in, and allowed to use,
certain parts of it. Troop 272 is responsible for the building
and its contents while we are using it/them. All Scouts are
expected to adhere to the following rules concerning the church
- If you arrive when no adult leaders are
present and the building happens to be unlocked, DO
- Scouts are not allowed to go anywhere in the Church
building except those areas that we are using for our meetings
unless an adult leader is with them or
an adult leader has directed them to be there.
- No food or drinks are allowed during the
meetings unless they are part of the program for the day.
- It is difficult at times, but try not to
track mud and snow inside.
- Horseplay will not be tolerated.
- After each meeting or event make sure to
clean/straighten up the room(s) that we used, picking up
all trash (ours or not ours) and putting furniture back
in its place.
ON CAMPING EVENTS: All of the above
rules and guidelines apply on camping events with some changes
and additions that are camping specific. These include:
- Arrive on time. We need your help
selecting and loading equipment. Also, we don't wait for
anyone; if you are late and we are loaded up, we're gone
- and you're not!
- You WILL be in full uniform (see UNIFORM
below) while traveling unless otherwise instructed. If you don't have one on you will
be asked to put it on. If you don't have it with you, you
will be asked to go home and get it. If you don't get
back in time, see #1. When we are coming home the same
procedure applies except that you may get left behind
wherever we are camping, and that may be a l-o-n-g way
from home.
- You WILL wear a seat belt at all
times while traveling no matter what seat you are in.
- No one is allowed to ride in the back of
pickup trucks at any time, in any place, under any
circumstances, whatsoever. (Is that clear enough?)
- The driver of the vehicle you are riding
in is the dictator of that vehicle. You will obey him/her
at ALL times or risk being left by the side of the
road with money for a phone call in your pocket ... if
you are lucky.
- You will do as your SPL, PL, other youth
leaders, and all adult leaders tell you.
- Each Patrol has a duty roster for campouts. You will do your assigned duties promptly; not at the
next meal, or the next day, but at the time that you are
assigned. You will not do anything else until your duties
are completed.
- Along with #7, you will not get in the way
of someone else doing their assigned duty. Therefore, if
you are not a cook for a meal, stay out of the cooking
(Again, clear enough? Unless, of course, you have a death
wish and pay the Troop for a replacement tent
ahead of time, that is, ahead of your fiery, very gory,
horrific, and extremely painful, death..........get it?) This includes matches, cigarette lighters, open candles,
candle lanterns, gas lanterns, stoves of any kind,
heaters, campfires, etc.
- Do NOT play in, or with, any fire of any
kind, at any time.......(Apply all of the above, except
insert "replacement equipment" where "a
replacement tent" appears, since you may burn more
than just a tent and, I almost forgot, yourself.)
- Quiet times are enforced.
Usually the Troop leadership enforces them, but when we are in state
or federal parks the rangers may also enforce this. If
you do not cooperate, you will be warned once, then sent
home. The Troop cannot afford to be kicked out of a
camping area because of one boy's foolishness.
- A Scout's tent is his home on a campout. Just as you wouldn't go into someone's home without knocking or ringing the bell, you don't enter someone else's tent without their permission.
UNIFORM: All Scouts are
expected to wear correct uniforms to all Troop and Patrol events.
Correct uniforms, and guidelines for wearing them, are:
- Troop "Class A": Consists of a Scout
shirt, long or short-sleeved, (with all appropriate/earned
insignia), Scout neckerchief and slide or Scout Bolo. Not required but
encouraged are long or short Scout pants (shorts to be
worn with the BSA socks), Scout-type belt. The official Troop
neckerchief (Green with Gold Embroidery) is required for all events
except for regular weekly Troop meetings where any Scout neckerchief or Scout bolo
may be worn. If in doubt, wear your Troop neckerchief. Scout
hats are optional.
- Full "Class A" uniform: Is the same as
the Troop "Class A" uniform but Scout pants, socks, and belt are
required, not optional.
- "Class B": Consists of a Scout T-shirt,
Scout sweatshirt, or other Scout related shirt that may
be worn instead of the Class A shirt. If you are not sure if it is
Scout related, do not wear it until it has been approved.
- Scouts must wear the Class A
uniform to all Courts of Honor, Boards of Review (see
below), all Troop meetings held during the school year,
while traveling to and from campouts and other events,
and to all other events requiring it.
- Scouts must wear either the Class A or the
Class B uniform to all Troop meetings during summer
vacation, and to all other Scouting events where the
Class A uniform is not required.
- No hats or jackets are to be worn during
Troop meetings in the Church Hall. Scout hats may be worn at other
Scout functions unless specifically requested not to.
- There will be regular uniform inspections that may or may
not be announced ahead of time.
should participate in as many Troop and Patrol functions as
possible. This includes Troop meetings, Patrol meetings, campouts,
hikes, civic events, moneymaking projects, and conservation &
service projects. We realize that there are sometimes conflicts
with other family, school, church, and sports events but it is to
your advantage to be as active as you can be in Scouts. Make it a
top priority instead of a secondary one. When you are at a Troop
or Patrol event, we ask that you be there not only in body, but in
mind and spirit as well. We also ask that you do your best at all
times to be a team player, thinking of what is best for your
Patrol and Troop, not just for you. There will be a cold, rainy
morning on a campout (we guarantee it) where you are your Patrol's
cook for breakfast. You won't even want to get out of bed, but no
one will eat unless you do. This is where being a team player
really counts, doing your part even when you don't feel like it.
(When that morning comes - and it will - please remember to put a
smile on your face ... no one likes a grumpy cook!)
Everyone likes the fun events - campouts, hikes,
swimming, canoeing, high adventure, etc. - but you really show
your stuff on the things that aren't as much fun - moneymaking
projects, service projects and the like. But a Scout is Helpful,
therefore EVERY SCOUT is expected to participate in money-making
projects in equal amounts, since the benefits (new/replacement
Troop equipment, badges and awards, and registration costs) are
for all Scouts. You should also participate in service and
conservation projects because we help others outside the Troop at
those times. Every Scout should be faithful in paying dues (currently
$4.00/month, September through June, no dues during the summer) since
that money comes back to him in the form of better program. Any
Scout more than $5.00 behind in dues will not be able to attend
campouts, hikes or other non-meeting activities until he is paid
SAFETY: The safety of all
Scouts in Troop 272 is of primary concern to the Troop leadership. Some safety items have already been mentioned, but there are a
couple more: Non-folding sheath knives, fireworks, and martial
arts weapons (throwing stars, butterfly knives, nun-chucks, etc.)
will not be permitted at any Troop or Patrol functions. In
addition, firearms and archery equipment are allowed only at
those events specifically scheduled for the use of such items,
and even then only under qualified adult supervision. For more
information see the Guide to Safe Scouting that is
published by the Boy Scouts of America.
INFORMATION: This section is
for items that don't fit neatly into the categories already
- Scoutmaster Conferences: Scoutmaster conferences
can be held for many reasons. To have a
Scoutmaster Conference as part of a rank advancement, a Scout must have completed all
but the last two requirements for the rank he is working
on. He must then make a request to the Scoutmaster to have a Conference.
Scoutmaster conferences for other reason can be requested at any
time. Conferences are generally conducted at Troop meetings,
but may be held at any other Troop function when there is sufficient
time. They should always be held in plain view of others.
- Boards of Review: Advancement
Boards of Reviews are scheduled for the first Troop
meeting of each month and other occasions when deemed
necessary. To meet with the Advancement Board, a Scout must have
had a Scoutmaster Conference, be in "Class A"
uniform (see above), and be current in paying his dues.
Boards of review for Life Scout and above require a
complete "Class A" uniform, just as if you were
going to your Eagle Board of Review. The Troop Committee
may also conduct a Board of Review for Scouts who are not
advancing in rank or who exhibit conduct unbecoming a
Scout. These Boards may be convened at any time.
- Troop Mailbox: We will distribute
any handouts, permission slips or other communications to
you by placing them in the Troop Mailbox. There are two
Troop mailboxes. They are gray file folder boxes.
One is labeled for the Scouts and the other for the Adults.
They will be put out at all Troop meetings. All boys,
leaders and committee members have a folder in the
mailbox. It is your responsibility to check your mail
folder at the end of the meeting and to bring home
anything you find there. Please be sure to share this
information with your parents.
- Lost & Found: The Troop does have a lost and
found box located in the Committee / Troop Library cabinet. Ask
to look there first for any item you may have lost. We don't
search for people to match the lost items, so if you can't keep track of your
stuff, we can't keep track of it for you. Any items left
in the container for more than two months are subject to
being thrown away, given away, or used as Troop equipment.