Creating Basic Webpages

Chapter I - Overview

Definition and Premise: HTML = "Hyper Text Markup Language"
Writing HTML "from scratch" vs using a webpage layout program
Planning your page.
Creating/collecting the elements for your page.
Naming your pages
Setting up the basic format of a webpage.
Inserting artwork and hyperlinks to other pages and websites.
A Word about Quotation Marks
Testing your pages.
Publishing your pages on the internet.

Chapter II - Lesson One - The Basics

Page One - index (Home) page
Page Two - "About Us" page
Page Three - "Order Form" page

Chapter III - Lesson Two - Frames

To frame - or not to frame?
Basic frame structure
Modifying your page files
Creating the frame structure HTML file
Frame Targeting - linking to "new windows" and "breaking free" from frames

Chapter IV - Lesson Three - Common Page Enhancements

Image Maps
Midi files
URL Refreshing - "Automatic page jumping"
Java Script for "highlighted buttons"
Java Script for scrolling text within the browser's status bar


Helpful Websites
Hex-Decimal Color Value Conversion Chart

floppy *Graphic files for lessons

         PC zip file for lessons 1 & 2.
         PC zip file of additional graphics for lesson 3.

         Mac* self extracting archive file for lessons 1 & 2.
         Mac* self extracting archive file of additional graphics for lesson 3.

         * For the Mac zipped files, change the .zip extention to .sea before extracting them.

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