The Bible Gateway is a tool for reading and researching scripture online -- all in the language or translation of your choice! It provides advanced searching capabilities, which allow readers to find and compare particular passages in scripture based on keywords, phrases, or scripture reference.
Allrecipes at is one of my favorite cooking sites. This site has a wealth of good information for any good cook. It also helps for those just learning their way around the kitchen.
Allrecipes has divided all of its recipes into twenty-six cookbooks titled beverages, main dishes, kids, cookies, bread, cakes and so on. It also has a cookbook for each of the major holidays. I found many good recipes for Thanksgiving and Christmas on this site. There is also a section of recipes for special diets such as sugar free and vegetarian.
A feature I really like is the personal recipe box
This is a great site for anyone who likes to cook.
Delphi Forums "Already, millions of individuals have chosen to take advantage of free Forums on They come from all walks of life, represent every interest under the sun and bring incredible expertise and passion to's online communities. The interaction within Forums creates a vast and valuable resource of content for anyone seeking information, advice, or friendship.'s highly interactive services are characterized by intense loyalty, high repeat visitation, and personal relationships built on trust." From Delphi's home page.
A Delphi forum is an active community of people who share a common interest and interact by posting on message boards and by meeting for secluded chats. Unlike many other message boards that I have visited, Delphi forums are very active. Delphi has over 2 million registered users, 80,000 active Forums, and 50,000 messages each day. Some of my favorite forms have at least two hundred new posts a day. There is a forum about every topic under the sun. You will find forums on Christianity; politics; news; home life; hobbies of every kind: friends; NFL, NBA NASCAR and all the sports; every television show or movie and the stars there are: books and reading; writing; homeschooling; wives of cops, fireman, military personal; weight loss support; diabetic support; and every other topic under the sun.
Delphi is free and easy to join. Come join the fun.
LiveJournal Have you ever wanted an on line blog? Here's the place. LiveJournal is a place where people post and share thoughts on personal journals and communities. Start your own journal or just kick back and enjoy the atmosphere. Live journal also has communities on every topic you can imagine where one can join others in discussions.
Check out LiveJournal Spotlight where every week they hand pick a few journals and communities that LiveJournal users find interesting.I have checked out myspace and other online blogs. This is by far the best one.
Paul Heil's THE GOSPEL GREATS radio program is the best-known and most widely-respected syndicated Southern Gospel music radio program ever, presently airing on more than 200 great radio stations across America, in Canada, and on the internet worldwide each week (through affiliates and on-demand).
THE GOSPEL GREATS program, recorded and distributed digitally to radio stations, is a fast-paced and entertaining two hours each week of music and music-related news and features, produced and hosted by America's best-known Southern Gospel music radio personality.
Excite Webshots
Do you like wall paper and screen savers? Then this is the site for you. You can download thier program for free and then use thousands of beautiful shots for wall paper or screen savers. I have had a great time with it. You choose what pictures you want. I wouldn't necessarily let a child visit this site without supervision.
I love good books and good music. I wanted to have a page where I could share what new books or new good music or internet sitesI have discovered lately. When I find something good, I like to share it with everyone else. Here are my latest finds.
Favorite New Music
Audio CD
(November 17, 1998)$12.99
Audio Cassette
Starkindler: A Celtic Conversation Across Time is a bountiful harvest of rhyme and reason; all the better to glorify the fundamental truths of Christ-centered worship. "Be Thou My Vision" and "Jesus, Lover of My Soul" are but two outstanding examples. From their humblest beginnings, many of our most familiar hymns are rooted in centuries-old traditional Irish tunes, and that is the premise on which Starkindler is built. Thoughtful arrangements incorporate fiddle, harp, and tin whistle to Card's uniquely chorded guitar work.
I am going to wear this CD out before long. I have listened to it and listened to it. This is a must have.
VOL.5-TRUST THE TRUTH Phil & Poet Voices Cross
Audio CD (May 16, 1997)$13.99
I like southern gospel. This is a wonderful tape. I own the tape and am going to buy the CD. All of the songs are very good, but the title song is worth every dime one spends on this CD.
. I Am Redeemed, Grace & Glory, One Holy Lamb, Over & Over Amen, Trust The Truth.
Favorite Books, Old and New
Paperback - 235 pages (April 1997)$8.79
I have read this book. My husband used it with the youth group. We don't agree with everything Josh Harris says, but we do recommend a good 90% of what he says. I like his whole attitude about dating and the Christian's responsibility. You will want you teens to read this book before they begin dating. It is wonderful.
by Joshua Harris, Shannon Harris
Paperback - 227 pages (October 2000)
Multnomah Publishers Inc.; ISBN: 1576737098 ;
This book is for all of you that thought his first book was silly and that no one could possible find a life's companion by following the princples he laid down in his first book. Proof that God will honor those who choose to follow and obey Him.
Joshua Harris follows up his bestselling I Kissed Dating Goodbye with Boy Meets Girl, the story of how he met and married his wife, Shannon. Where Harris's first book encouraged readers to throw off modern ideas of romantic fixation, Boy Meets Girl goes to the next level and urges single Christian men and women to pursue courtship, and ultimately marriage, thoughtfully and prayerfully. Knowing that many readers will balk at the idea of premeditated courtship, Harris insists that dating should not be emotional recreation but rather a careful decision rooted in obedience to God. While the anecdotes used to reveal true-to-life scenarios about dating pitfalls are somewhat elementary (and geared to those in their 20s), Harris succeeds in hammering home the point that obedience to God's word, selfless love, community, purity, and satisfaction in God are the most important aspect of any relationship. The last section of the book is particularly practical, discussing forgiveness of past sexual sin, questions to ask before tying the knot, and how an understanding of our sinful nature can lead to conflict resolution. For Harris's mere twentysomething years of life experience, his maturity and devotion to God are sincere evidence that he has indeed practiced what he has preached, resulting in a passionate relationship with the love of his life. --Jill Heatherly
Paperback - 192 pages (January 1984)$7.19
Most of the teens in our church have read this book. I have read this book. It is wonderful. No Christian parent of teenagers should be without this book. Read it with them.
Elisabeth Elliot's story centers around one pivotal question: "Does God want everything?" Her emphatic answer--"Yes"--is what makes Passion and Purity the foremost Christian book on dating ever written. Based on stories, journal entries, and letters chronicling her own five-year courtship with Jim Elliot, she gives frank advice, scriptural directives, and compassionate examples of what it means to follow Christ in the midst of heartache and impatience. The perfect antidote for those who flounder in the thinking that "the Bible doesn't say anything about dating," Elliot's short chapters are filled with nuggets of wisdom that spell out exactly the opposite. "Until the will and the affections are brought under the authority of Christ, we have not begun to understand, let alone accept His lordship. The Cross, as it enters the love live, will reveal the heart's truth." Whether in a dating relationship, married, or pursuing a call to single life, readers will find Elliot's message challenging them to a true faith in a Christ who lovingly calls us to surrender all. --Courtenay Kehn
by Elizabeth Elliot
Paperback (October 1, 1999)
Tyndale House Pub;
“In order to learn what it means to be a woman, we must start with the One who made her." Working from Scripture, well-known speaker and author Elisabeth Elliot shares her observations and experiences in a number of essays on what it means to be a Christian woman, whether single, married, or widowed. Available in trade softcover and as a Living Book.
by Elisabeth Elliot
Paperback Reprint edition (August 1983)
Fleming H Revell Co
THE MARK OF A MAN is a superb book. God's standards for manhood are presented for men and women to read. The book reveals that true manhood is attainable and realistic. Nowadays, the mark between men and women is blurred. This book reafirms the divine difference of men from women. A refreshment in the midst of the confusion.
Hardcover - 382 pages (June 1987)
Fleming H Revell Co;
A Rare Godly Example for Every Christian, October 17, 2000
Reviewer: Christopher Alsruhe (see more about me) from Maryland
Here is a book that will challenge any Christian in any walk of life to deny themselves, take up their cross daily, and follow Jesus. The missionary life is, in fact, the normal Christian life for every Christian, for every Christian is an ambassador for Christ. As such, this biography will be a great help to any reader in focusing their hearts and minds on the God-given task before them (1 Peter 2:9)--whatever their walk of life. This book also gives much needed rebukes against those who support missions financially on the basis of numbers saved. This book re-affirms the biblical principle time and again that the Christian's work is not saving, but declaring. The work of saving is God's alone; and if no one is saved, the missionary must keep working and we must keep supporting. This is a must read; but be prepared to be convicted and challenged.