Valentines Day started during the rule of
Emperor Claudius II. Rome had been involved in many bloody and
unpopular wars. Claudius the Cruel, as he was known, was having a
difficult time getting soldiers to join the military. He believed the
reason was because Roman men didn't want to leave their loves or
families. As a result, Claudius cancelled all marriages and
engagements in Rome.
There was a Christian priest named Valentine
who defended love in the empire. Valentine began to secretly marry
couples despite the Emperor's orders. When Emperor Claudius was
informed of these ceremonies, Valentine was sent to prison where he
remained until his death on February 14 in the year 270.
It wasn't until hundreds of years
later that Valentine's Day began to develop as we know it.
At the time of Valentine's death, Christianity was beginning
to take control of Europe. Roman Catholism sought to do away
with pagan holidays. Valentine's Day came to replace a
mid-February fertility festival called Lupercalia.. During
Lupercalia, but in honor of the goddess Juno Februata, the
names of young women were put into a box and names were
drawn by lot. The boys and girls who were matched would be
considered partners for the year, which began in March. The
early Roman men often wore the names of the girls who were
to be their partners during the Lupercalia pinned to their
sleeves. Even today we say that a man wears his heart upon
his sleeve when he shows his interest in a lady.
Sometimes the couple exchanged presents.
Ladies often received perfumed gloves or fine jewels. After the
Lupercalia became a saint's day honoring Saint Valentine, time for
anyone looking for a mate. In the 17th century a hopeful maiden ate a
hard-boiled egg and pinned five bay leaves to her pillow before going
to sleep on Valentine's eve. She believed this would make her dream
of her future husband. Later, people began to exchange valentine
cards instead of presents. The Duke of Orleans is believed to have
made the first valentine card. Imprisoned in the Tower of London in
1415, he wrote love poems, or valentines," to his wife in France.
Sweethearts exchanged handmade cards during the 17th and 18th
centuries. The French trimmed huge paper hearts with yards of real
lace. Valentine cards became popular in the United States during the
Civil War. Elaborate cards trimmed with satin ribbons,
mother-of-pearl ornaments, and spun glass were sold. Within a few
years Valentine's Day received almost as much attention as
Happy Valentine's Day home
A brief history of this
Flowers & Their Meanings
Do you know the language of
flowers? Make sure the flowers you send make just the right
Give Me Your Heart
Hearts and cupids and doves and
lace. How did all of these things get connected with love and this
My Traditional Valentine
Learn about fun valentine
traditions of today and yesteryear.
Sweets for the Sweet
Here are some fun facts about
conversation hearts and CHOCOLATE. .
Valentine's Day Recipes
The way to their hearts is through
their stomachs!
Poetry for Those You Love
These poems are not only for
husband and wife, but also for children, parents, and friends. I
can't seem to stop adding poems to this page. Come and see.
My Funny Valentine
Want to know who you may marry?
This page is full of old and new funny little wives tales that will
lead you to your special person. At least that is what we have been
told. Let me know if any of these old tales work for you.
Be My Valentine
Most of us will buy valentines to
send to our loved ones this year. How did that all get started? What
is the hsitory behind that?
Looking for Love?
Take heart! The numbers are in your
He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not
Why wait for marriage? What does
God have to say about this issue? Recommended books for single
Christians and parents of teenagers.
When you are finished here, you may
want to check out my blog , Under
the Ozarkian Stars on Live
Journal. My blog covers happenings and daily events, news stories and my opinions on them, and many Christian topics.