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First Earth's  Instructor
Bo Brown has been a professional wildlife field biologist since 1985, and is currently Associate Director with Ozark Center for Wildlife Research. He is also an instructor at several skills gatherings around the country:  (Rabbitstick - Idaho, Wintercount - Arizona, and Ernest Wilkinson's Skills Camp - Colorado.)
He started his path of learning ancient wilderness skills upon meeting tribal chief and medicine man Jim Fire Eagle in the mid-70's while playing music at Silver Dollar City, a theme park in Branson, MO. He has been a professional musician since 1973, and also works part-time on archaeological digs in the Ozarks area. He dedicates this school to the memory of his friend and mentor, Chief  Fire Eagle.
Chief Jim Fire Eagle, knapping points at
Silver Dollar City. Some of his work can be found in the Smithsonian Institute.
Friends and Local Pages
Primitive Skills Pages
Knapper's Corner
Primitive Technology Home Page
Gray Ghost Archery
Hollowtop Outdoor Primitive School
Hogmolly (Bo's Band)
Roadkill's Page of  Primitive Skills Gatherings
(Lots of pics from gatherings around the country)
Howie and the Hillcats (Bo's other band)
Wilderness Schools Home Page
A couple of pics from the '98 Bois D' Arc Rendezvous
Jim Spears has a rapt audience as he demonstrates the finer points of percussion flaking with antler billets.
These folks turned out some real nice flutes in Curt's rivercane flute workshop.