10 August 2001: Went to the State Archives
in Trenton today and found out a bit more about
great-great grandfather's farm. In turns out that
exactly one hundred and fifty-one (151) years ago
today, an enumerator for the 1850 agricultural
census asked some questions about the farm. The
answers can be found on the "Family Deeds/Properties"
5 June 2001: I've made a new page for
the information about great-great-great granddad's
Newark farm. Check the link for "Family
Deeds/Properties" on the homepage.
15 May 2001: I've added the links to the
pictures of both the Guglielmo Peirce and
the Duca d'Aosta on the Family Pictures
Now for the big news. I found myself in the
Maps Division of the main branch of the New York
Public Library last week. They had an 1858 map of
Newark, NJ, and "lo and behold," I found the farm of
my great-great-great grandfather Joseph Singerling
clearly noted on the map. It was carved out of the
so-called "Parsonage Tract," common land that had
been set aside pretty much at the beginning of Newark
history for the benefit of the church. The farm stood
at the corner of Roseville Avenue and what is now
Central Avenue. I'll get around to scanning the map
and then putting it up on this site.
20 April 2001: I've spent all week trying
to get into the new database housed at Ellis
Island. There's too much traffic, but I expect
things to even out in the near future. I did
get in once -- although I was booted out pretty
quickly -- and I discovered the following:
- My grandfather Oto Comanzo arrived at Ellis
Island on 21 Nov 1923 on board the Guglielmo
Peirce, which had departed from Naples.
- It appears that my great-grandfather Pasquale
Miele arrived at Ellis Island on 13 Jun 1895 on
board the Duca d'Aosta, which had departed
from Naples. The record does not note his place
of residence.
- I found a record that should be that of
my great-grandmother Gelsomina Letteriello, i.e.
right name, age, place of residence, but the
year of arrival -- 1904 -- is about four years
too late. As all good genealogists know, there
has to be a mystery somewhere along the way...
17 December 2000: I finally managed to
get my genealogy software to produce a family
tree that I could display here. Note: I realize
that there might be the occasional bit of
conflict between bits of information on this
site. I've tried to make changes throughout the
website whenever I've made changes anywhere, but
sometimes things slip. So, this new family tree
should be the most accurate information
I have, should you ever have to choose between
two (or more) variations...
And I have started that booklet that I
threatened to do. It was a bit more complicated
to design than I first thought, simply because
there would have to be different "versions,"
depending upon which relative wanted a copy. I
mean, I can't really imagine anyone who is just
on Dad's side wanting to know anything about
Mom's side, and vice versa. So, I'm doing
it in "chunks" based upon location (for the
background and family history material) and upon
grandparent (I started each chart with one of my
four grandparents). Now all I have to do is to
mix and match according to the recipient.
28 October 2000: I'm beginning to go
through these webpages in order to improve the
coding; other than some better formatting for
your viewing pleasure, you probably won't notice
a thing. But it's important to my "inner geek"
that I do this, and I don't expect you to
I'm also thinking that a nice Christmas present
would be for me to gather my family history
information into a booklet of some sort. The
genealogy software I've mentioned will allow me
to do something, I'm sure; now I just have to
do it.
25 October 2000: It's been a good month,
or so I think.
That lead on Bernard McDonald did indeed pan
out; it was his baptismal record. I also
found some siblings, although not his
parents' marriage, and I found what I strongly
suspect is a member of another branch of my
family, the Woods.
Then there's further movement on my Zangerl,
i.e. Singerline, research in the Tyrol. Because I
have new software, I'm bringing all my bits and
pieces of information together. It turns out that
two of these bits add up into a possible
extension of the direct Singerline - Singerling -
Zengerling - Zengerly - Zangerl line a few more
generations, which is to say, that with a gap or
two, my earliest dated ancestor might very well
be one Christian Zangerl, who, in 1363, was made
feudal tenant on a farm outside of Ischgl,
4 September 2000: Thanks to the kindness
of a fellow member on a genealogy list, I now
have a possible lead on one of my Irish lines.
I knew that Bernard McDonald, my great
grandfather, married in 1890 and died in 1898,
but now I think I know about his birth and
baptism. If this record is correct, then
he was born on 12 Jan 1869 and was baptized on 17
Jan. More importantly, he was baptized at St.
Patrick's Pro-Cathedral, where he was married 21
years later. Perhaps I can find his siblings and
his parents; if I can find his parents' marriage
record, I can hope it will include information
about their Irish origins.
28 August 2000: From the "strange and
unusual" department... I came across a newspaper
article concerning a family member from the
1890s. I decided to put it in the "Family
Biographies" section under the title of the
article itself: "Chloroformed by a Tramp"
(I warned you it was strange and unusual).
19 August 2000: This update consists of
three pictures from Paisley, Scotland. A friend
just visited her own relatives there and took
some pictures of a location that figures in my
family history from the years around 1861.
5 August 2000: Just a note to say I've
done more work on the "Family Locations (Links)"
3 August 2000: It's been a while since I
last worked on this website. Today's addition is
minor -- there's a new biography in the "Family
Biographies" section.
I did spend several weeks in New Jersey recently
and I managed a trip to the archives in Trenton.
I found some death records, although not of any
direct ancestors, and then some deeds to
property bought by Zengerling's in Newark and
Orange in the 1800's. I'll eventually figure out
what I'll do with this information.
In the broader research picture, I'm joining up
with a family history society in
Kirkcudbrightshire, Scotland. I'm hoping that, as
a member, I might enlist the help of the society
in order to untangle a few questions concerning
Gargan's and Carson's in the Gatehouse of Fleet
23 May 2000: A member of one of my
genealogy mailing lists mentioned that there was
temporarily free access to an electronic version
of the 1890/91 city directory to Newark, NJ
through one of the big commercial genealogy
websites. So, I searched and found some of "my
people." The results are on the "Family Census
Snippets" page.
8 May 2000: I'm beginning to update the
"Locations (Links)" section. So far, the most
interesting link I've added is for a webpage on
the Paznauntal, or the Paznaun Valley, the
ancestral valley of the Singerline's up in the
Tyrolean Alps. It offers a number of great aerial
photographs of the valley.
29 April 2000: A source I've just gotten
my hands on provides a list of citizens in
Gehrden (Brakel) from the year 1427. The list
includes one of the family names -- Pipers. See
under "Family Census Snippets."
Other ongoing efforts: I've got a few letters
out to places in Austria to see if I can find
further information to go with the material I
received from Carol Zangerl (visit her website by
using the link under "Family Websites." I've also
asked some of my Italian relatives to contact the
appropriate authorities to see if I can get more
information on other Italian ancestors (sometimes
it's difficult to deal with the Italian
bureaucracy, so I was hoping it would work out
better Italian-to-Italian).
16 April 2000: I'm trying to find places
for all the "stuff" I've gathered in the last few
years, so I've created yet another page. This one
is called "Family Biographies" and it will
contain the information I have on "famous" family
members. Of course, you'll want to read the
introduction to see what I mean by "famous."
9 March 2000: I've added a new page
entitled "Family Websites," which will consist of
links to, well, family websites.
5 March 2000: A few things to note.
First, I have removed from both family tree
formats the information I added concerning
Joannes Zengerly when I jumped to incorrect
conclusions last month. The trees now show my
current state of not knowing anything
I have added three pictures, one from New Jersey
and two from Italy.
The last thing is that I have been contacted by
an individual who is also researching the Zangerl
(and various spellings) family. I'd love to hear
more of what she has, since she seems to have
information from the years before where I pick
up, i.e. before the late 1600s. This could
be fun...
18 Feb 2000: I have updated the
"Locations (Family History)" section with the
birth/baptismal information of the various
candidates for the role of my ancestor, Joannes
Zengerly. Unless he was not actually born and/or
baptized in Kappl, or he is not recorded in the
churchbook for some other reason, one of these is
the right man. Now that I've narrowed it down, I
have to figure out how to choose.
12 Feb 2000: Having discussed it with two
others who do Tyrolean genealogy, I've been
persuaded to reconsider the likelihood of the
"Franciscus theory" noted in the 17 Jan update.
So, I'm digging again in the baptismal records.
As the only real indicator of a birth year that I
have comes from counting backwards from Johann
Zengerly's death record (it claims that he was 70
in 1757), I thought that fifteen years on either
side of 1687 was generous, but I cut it off at
1695 so that he would be at least 15 when he
married in 1710.
Working, therefore, with the period 1672-1695, I
find ten (10) baptismal records for a Joannes
Zangerl in Kappl. Two I can pretty much disregard
as I assume they die as infants or young
children. That leaves me:
5 Nov 1673, son of Thomas Z. and Eva Jelin
12 Jun 1675, son of Gallus Z. and Anna
27 Dec 1675, son of Joannes Z. and Gertrudis
12 Sep 1678, son of Christianus Z. and Ursula
7 Aug 1679, son of Petrus Z. and Eva
16 Oct 1681, son of Ingenuinus Z. and Magdalena
26 Sep 1683, son of Ingenuinus Z. and Maria
19 Nov 1683, son of Jacobus Z. and Maria Lenzin
If the "70" from the death record meant that he
was in his "seventies," then I can concentrate on
#4-8. With no further clues, I'm liking #4
because the father's name would explain the name
of Johann's older son in later years, and it also
seems that this Johann had a younger half-brother
by the name of Bartholomäus, which would
explain the name of Johann's younger son.
17 Jan 2000: Thanks to the work sent to
me by a newly-discovered seventh cousin (we share
great great great great great great grandparents)
I've been motivated to do more work on that
family tree. I've got the direct Singerline line
back eleven generations and it's posted. Do note
the "probably" when it comes to the various
people in Kappl. There is one male
Zengerly (or Zängerl) noted in the Kappl
churchbooks as being christened in 1687. The
given name is Franciscus. If these given
names in the baptismal registry are actually
baptismal, saint's, or spiritual names, rather
than the everyday calling name, then I don't
think there's any problem considering this the
right man. Franciscus, or Franz in the
German, appears quite frequently as a name
throughout the following generations of
Zengerling, Singerling, and Singerline. This also
has the added benefit of finding a
Christian -- the father of this Franciscus --
since the Johann Zengerly who went to Gehrden had
a son named Johann Christian. But I'm still
working on the Kappl churchbooks, so stay tuned
for possible changes of mind.
9 Jan 2000: Since I can't seem to get
motivated enough to finish the first version of
the family tree, I decided to start with a family
pictures section. I've collected quite a few over
the last few years, so it was time to start
making them available to others. And since I'm
concentrating the pictures on their own page, I'm
going to remove the link I mentioned on 6 Jan (it
was only buried in a place nobody could find
6 Jan 2000: Yesterday was quite the day,
genealogically speaking. When I returned home I
found a letter from England waiting for me. It
was from a man who had first contacted me last
year. It turns out that his wife and I are
related, fourth cousins I believe as we share
great great great grandparents. Anyway, his
letter included a photograph of the brother of my
great great grandfather, Thomas Gargan
(1840-after 1910). I have made a link to
the photo from James's name in the list of
Thomas' siblings on his page under the "Family
Tree" section of this website.
5 Jan 2000: My research efforts in recent
months have been concentrated in tracing Johann
Zengerly (1687-1757) back to his roots in Kappl,
in the Tyrolean Alps. I finally decided to
purchase some microfilmed copies of the Kappl
churchbooks, as there seemed no other way to get
at the information I wanted. I've been able to
find in these books Johann Zengerly's baptismal
record (he was baptized as a "Franciscus," a
baptismal name that crops up rather frequently
among Singerlines down through the ages, e.g.
Franciscus Josephus Zengerling (1803-1888) and
even my own grandfather Benjamin Joseph
Singerling (1896-1969), who was baptized as
Benjamin Francis. The churchbooks have also
provided the names of his parents and his
grandparents, so there are some new surnames on
the surname page.
Dec 1999: Well, I've run into a bit of a
disappointment. Some recent reading had me hoping
that Johann Zengerly (1687-1757), who most likely
had moved from the Tyrolean Alps up to the north
of Germany for the purposes of finding work as a
builder or a stonemason, was actually a
well-known master builder who had made
specific contributions to the Cathedral at
Minden. I even made a page pointing out some of
Master Zengerle's work (this page can be
found as a link off of the "The Locations (Family
History)" section of this website, embedded in
the Austrian part. It seemed like the combination
of the unusual name, the area, the origins, and
the time period couldn't possibly be a
coincidence. Well, an archivist in Germany
finally sent me a letter, kindly detailing the
later life of the Johann Zengerle who did
work on the cathedral, and it failed to match up
with my Johann Zengerly. So, there were
two such fellows in the area. I'm leaving the
Cathedral information, because the pictures are
nice and the master builder may very well be a