IOJD Trademark

International Order of Job's Daughters

Bethel No. 1, Nepean Valley,

New South Wales, Australia.

Bethel UD, Nepean Valley, N.S.W. Australia was instituted on 29 August 1999.

We received our Charter as Bethel No. 1, Nepean Valley, NSW on 23 July 2000.

Unfortunately, due to declining membership, we closed the Bethel and returned our Charter in December 2002.

We were the first Bethel to be instituted in New South Wales. However, Job's Daughters has been active in Queensland, Australia since 1950. Three of our instituting Executive Guardian Council members are Past Honoured Queens of Bethels in the Queensland jurisdiction:

Bethel Guardian:

Jennifer Nielsen, PHQ #22 Macgregor, Queensland

Guardian Secretary:

Sharyn Wye, PHQ #9 Camp Hill, Queensland

Director of Epochs:

Amanda Garland, PHQ #2 Chermside, Queensland

We were supported and encouraged by the members and adults from the Bethels
within the
Queensland Grand Guardian Council jurisdiction, for which we thank them.


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Last updated: 21 March 2003