My Kitty Buddies


I share my house with a few kitties.

Meet some of my kitty buddies.


Katie Scarlette O'Sudlow
Scarlette is Mom's baby. She is spoiled rotten and gets to sleep on Mom's head. I wonder why Mom won't let me do that.

Alex P. Kitten
Alex was Mom's first cat. I hear he was a really cute kitten. I have only known him as a big fat cat.

Grizabella the Glamour Cat
This is Grizz. Grizz was a stray living in Kentucky. Mom and Dad brought her home from a family reunion. - I think she likes it here just fine.

Sophee is Grizz's daughter. She is very quiet and spends most of her time inside. She is great friends with Kirby.

Pooh is named for Kickapoo Park. Mom and Dad were on a bike ride there with Aunt Paula and Uncle Mike when they found poor little Pooh. Now she is living the good life in Wisconsin with Mike and Paula and Bessa.

Wobbles came with the house. He was a great kitty. He recently went to the Rainbow Bridge. He died the same week I was shot. I think he gave me his last life. Thank you Wobbles. We miss you.


Hey Kitties, are you hungry????


How about some FISH ?!?!?
These fish were at the Omaha Zoo. They really grossed Mom out.

* Home * Maddee * Kirby * Friends and Family * Miracle Maddee * Kittens *