This segment has been totally revamped! This is due to the fact that I got my video capture card working, and now have available for public viewing, over 200 Arius images. These are taken from various performances the band and I have recorded. Guys, this is 3000$ of hardware and software at work here, and these images took about forty hours to gather and compile. These are copyrighted images, property of the band and Melanie from Necrosis Magazine, and may not be downloaded or used without our express written permission. Enjoy!
Follow these links to the new Arius Images Sections.
Sorted Arius Images : Lukas (1) (2)
Sorted Arius Images : Matt D. (1) (2)
Sorted Arius Images : Matt M. (1) (2)
Sorted Arius Images : Ex-Members (1) (2)