It came as a surprise to me
when our Ellie spoke out to say.
Today I signed up, for little league.
And I sure hope I get to play.

You see in my day,
boys and girls were separated
in the competative games.
But now, with all these "Equal Rights",
there is no difference, everyone's the same.

She made the team, and in practices
ran the bases, mile after mile.
Played 2nd, short and sometimes center.
After all, she is most versitile.

The practice sessions are over,
the pirates have become a real fine team.
And today they meet their first opponant.
Out on the Little League Green.

Their spirits were so very high;
until behind by four runs.
Then everthing became serious;
and playing ball wasn't so much fun.

The Pirates were going down to defeat;
the others, jubilant with the score.
They really needed a miracle about now.
And runs---at least four.

Now it is Ellie's turn, to come up to bat.
She takes a practice swing, and tugs down on her cap.

The bases are loaded, everyone is still
as if in a trance.
Ellie moves in the batter's box;
and boldly takes her stance.

She stands in close; to the plate.
Just as she knew she should.
Here comes one she really likes
and BAM, she connects with the wood.

That ball went over first base,
it was hit hard and kind of low.
And all those base runners were moving
and for Ellie it was go, go, go.

Look at that--A GRAND SLAM.
Something few players ever achieve.
And Ellie did it, on her first Little League game.
That's a record, I do believe.

The teams were all excited,
the score on both sides the same.
And that's the way it ended;
Ellies's first little league game.

One team mate gave her a stick of gum;
another some M&M's.
Ellie told me, she just loved it all.
And hoped someday to do it again.

Maybe there is a moral to this story.
I really couln't say.
But one thing is for certain boys;
MOVE OVER--the girls are coming out to play.