My site is dedicated to genealogy of Tyler county. The genealogy information on this page has not been updated in a long time. If you find information that you believe to be inaccurate, please let me know, and I'll try to update it.
I have included here the "History of Shiloh." It comes from a couple of Shiloh women who passed away years ago. A special thank you to Glenn M. Hill (1937-2000), former Shiloh resident.
I have been doing genealogy work since 1999. I do not profess to be an expert at it, but I do enjoy the thrill of finding something new. In the time that I have been doing my research on the Internet, at local libraries, and at the Tyler County courthouse, I have enjoyed meeting people, including distant cousins.
A few Williamson cousins and I have gotten together and decided to revive the great Williamson reunions that were held from 1924-1936 in Friendly, WV. For more information on this reunion, read more here .
If you have relatives that lived in the Middlebourne area in the early 1900's, they might be in the 1910 Tyler County High School yearbook.