Silver Award Projects


Samantha is the first girl in our troop to complete a Silver Award Project. Sam created a website for our troop and a web page for our Service Unit (Ridley).

Congratulations Sam!

Amanda, Amy, Jen, Kelley, and Shannon

Amanda, Amy, Jen, Kelley, and Shannon completed their Silver Award Projects by teaching Brownie Try-Its and Junior Badges at our Service Unit Camporee.

Amanda and Jen taught the Junior "Making Decisions" badge. Amy taught the Junior "Sports Sampler" badge. Kelley taught the Junior "Sports" badge. And Shannon taught the Brownie "Creative Composing" and "Me and My Shadow" Try-its.

They also helped plan the entire Camporee including registration, assigning troops to units, running the communal lunch on Saturday, and planning and running the Saturday night campfire program during which we retired an American flag with a flag burning ceremony.

Congratulations Amanda, Amy, Jen, Kelley, and Shannon!

Tiffany and Samantha

Tiffany and Samantha completed their Silver Award Projects by teaching Junior Badges at a special workshop they setup for area Junior troops.

Tiffany taught the Junior "Self-Esteem" and "Healthy Relationships" badges. Sam taught the Junior "Safety Sense" badge.

Congratulations Tiffany and Sam!

Ikeda and Tanya

Ikeda and Tanya completed their Silver Award Projects by teaching Brownie Badges at a special workshop they setup for area Brownie troops.

Ikeda taught the Brownie "Girl Sports" and "Let's Pretend" Try-Its. Tanya taught the Brownie "My Body" and "People are Talking" Try-Its.

Congratulations Ikeda and Tanya!

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