Troop News

Gold Award Ceremony and Troop Retirement Ceremonies were awesome!

The troop held its Gold Award Ceremony on June 10th to honor its Golden Girls: Jennifer Bourne, Tanya Brown, Samantha Harrell, Ikeda Metcalf, Amanda Schaub, and Tiffany Murray (deceased). It was a beautiful, moving ceremony and the girls did an outstanding job considering they had about 10 minutes to rehearse. The troop retirement ceremony was bittersweet, and I know no one really wanted the occasion to end. As my girls take off for college and adult life, I hope they won't forget me and the good times we had. I am always here for you.

We learned at the ceremony that Samantha Harrell was the first Girl Scout in a Ridley Service Unit troop to earn her Gold Award in over 12 years. We are also the first troop in 35 years in our service unit to have all the girls in the troop earn this prestigious award.

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